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Posts posted by suicide

  1. ah, 60 bucks isn't that bad at all. that site is interesting, but how accurate is it? i know of countries in eastern and northern europe that offer unlimited dsl, 20MB up and down for peanuts (the equivalent of $25 IIRC). I don't know, from what i've read on various sites, the us broadband situation seems pretty bad, but perhaps it's hyperbole.

    over here, BT have had to open up access to their infrastructure to all the other ISPs. There is a lot of competition with many isps offering their own LLU services, ton of bundles with tv and calls thrown in etc. a decade ago the most we were being offered was 1 or 2MB, next year i'm being upgraded to 80MB free of charge...

    Yeah, it's not bad. They just sent me an offer of $100 for 100Mb/s. Sorta excessive, but price wise it's pretty reasonable.

    All I can say is Ookla (speedtest.net and netindex.com) seem to be pretty well regarded and used as the standard when it comes to speed testing.

    The thing about the US is that it's a massive, massive country. If you live in the heart of a major city like me, it's easy to get decent service at decent prices; service that is on par with anywhere else globally.

    The problems begin when you venture outside of those areas and the population density drops. The countries that we talk about having ubiquitous high-speed access are those where population is relatively dense and cities aren't too far away from each other. Obviously that isn't the case for large parts of the US, so it's still literally cost prohibitive (infrastructure costs that fall on the municipalities and the providers) to have decent broadband there. There are lots of places here where you can get a 100Mb/s connection, and lots of places you'd be lucky to get 1Mb/s. So I don't think averages really tell the true story.

  2. i'm probably wrong, but isn't $40/month normal for like.. 10 meg?

    We pay what I'd venture is very slightly more than average; about $60 per month.

    in the us it's the opposite. the tele companies are working together to hike prices up, it isn't any wonder your speeds are better than 99% on the country.

    On the contrary, if you go to http://www.netindex.com/value/allcountries/ you'll find that the differences between the US and the UK are actually quite small.

    According to speedtest, my paltry 65Mb/s is faster than 97% of connections worldwide. So the apparent speed has nothing to do with being in the United States. I think the reality is that most connections just suck, regardless of location. The quality of this particular one has been a pleasant surprise.

    The really sad part is how technology has outpaced infrastructure--connections as fast as mine (and faster) should be available everywhere and to everyone, especially with the advent of HD streaming, etc.

  3. If i go on a date with a girl, who offers to drive, and we forget to pay for parking and receive a $80 fine, what should I do about this? Offer to pay half?

    Where the hell did you park to deserve an eighty dollar ticket? Brutal.

  4. bump. i would post something but its just getting back to where it was a few months ago. fucker trimmed WAY too much >:[

    donno what ill do with it yet once it gets longer longer. gonna look like dash snow i guess til i figure it out. was thinking a little somthin' ala phillip crangi...


    because he looks fucking awesome in his beard. but hes got more of that straight haired beard shit like lucky cloud i wish i had. i got that mange pirate curly type gnar shit :[ donno if i could pull that crangi look off

    Wow. That's just...

    Really dig the civil war general thing he's got going on.

  5. ^^

    oh god

    They should start making Edward Cullen Real Dolls, would make so much $$$ off of these weird-ass fangirl bitches

    this reminds me of the time when my loaded buddy stripped naked and started making sex with a betty boop cut out.

  6. i've got dozens of these. maybe i should look into what that means clinically.

    the stories i enjoy most are the ones where you can calculate the miles traveled that you don't remember. i only count them if you walked it or used some other form of transportation that wasn't a car, because fuck you if you're driving around that loaded.

    one time, we went to ft. collins, about an hour and a half north of denver on the highway. all i remember is that we got blasted at a bar with a jungle theme. there was a peace protest of some kind (darfur something?) going on in the town square when the bar let out, so naturally it was our duty to come in and act like drunk assholes. i lost contact with my friends and they peaced the fuck out. being the drunk asshole that i was (am?), i stuck around. some dude was playing a digeridoo made out of a plastic pipe. i thought this was pretty neat and he was a total asshole, so when he got up for something i swiped it and ran. this is the last thing i remember.

    i woke up in the morning in a bush in a field. i shortly realized that i was actually in a pasture that i-25, the highway from denver, bordered. there was a bike about 20 feet from me, some shitty huffy that looked like one i rode when i was 10.

    turns out i was near a mile marker about 5 miles down the highway from ft collins.

    so i'm not sure what the fuck happened, but i can only surmise that i stole some kids bike and started on my way home. oh, and the digeridoo was nowhere to be found.

    total distance traveled: 7-8 miles.

    i haven't beat this one yet:

    all i remember is getting on a train somewhere on the kesei line outside of tokyo. it was the middle of the day and i was seriously loaded. we'd been drinking at a gas station all day after sitting under the cherry trees.

    anyway, i wake up and i actually thought i was home. and then i realzed that i was at the main station in osaka. o fucking saka. for those of you not familiar with japan, this is somewhere in the area of 300+ miles.

    so fuck all that.

    oh yeah, when i get loaded i like to take pictures to document all the stupid shit. i have some fucking great pictures from all three of these stories on my old cell. ill post them if i can find it. i don't remember taking any of them, and it's a really fun surprise when you find them on your phone the next day and can piece the night together.

  7. the worst shit is when you get a call from your friend telling you to come clean something up and you have no idea what they're talking about.

    one time we were drinking in an old abandoned nursing home that my buddy had just bought to turn into apartments.. i think we each had a litre bottle of shitty wine. we were convinced this place was haunted so we each had baseball bats that we'd found in the yard.

    my buddy apparently passed out in a bathtub that he'd puked in earlier. he swore up and down that the last thing he remembers is talking to the ghost of an old man that died there.

    i apparently also saw a ghost and was chasing it down through the halls with a baseball bat. the ghost must have been going through doors and walls, because i really fucked up a few walls and a couple of doors with my bat.

    me and another guy ended up in the basement (which had no lights, silence of the lambs shit). we were so drunk that we couldn't find our way back upstairs for the bathroom, so i guess we just unzipped and pissed all over the basement. this is all while we're yelling at elderly ghosts.

    we woke up holding hands in a puddle of our own piss. it was still totally dark in this basement (no windows either), so we still had no fucking idea what was going on when we woke up.

    i bet the three of us were a real fucking sight when we walked into burger king that morning to recuperate.

  8. last night was fucking horrible. at first i just wanted to stay at home, read and go to bed early. then a friend calls me and says he wants to go out, get wasted. we meet up with some friends and random guys, get drunk on the street. then a girl i am friends with shows up, we chat a bit with her and her friend.

    one of the random guys says "oh you're friend is more fun than you are." and shit gets out of hand, she spills her drink on him, he empties his beer over her head, she slaps him in the face and runs away. he goes after her and pushes her so she falls to the ground (scratch on her face and possibly a broken hand).

    now she wants to call the popo on him and wants me to get his name somehow.


    i should have stayed at home. all this is way too stressfull for my taste.

    he ran after her and pushed her down on purpose?

    the beer on her head part is fucking awesome

  9. actually the developers said that if you manage to play the drums at the highest level well, you can basically play the drums. There was some news about it when it came out.

    For the record, this is total bullshit. Rock Band drums don't feel anything like real drums. I'm sure it could help with the development of limb independence, but that's about it. There are many more subtleties involved in actual drumming.

    There was a video they promoted of some dude playing a Coheed and Cambria song after he'd mastered it on expert in RB. What they didn't tell you is the guy is also a real drummer.

  10. that shit always happens when you're having a good night. i was walking one night and saw some asshole biker run a red light and get creamed by a truck. dude died on the spot.

    totally killed my boner.

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