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Posts posted by AgentJ

  1. You got that tailored and it's still too long in the arms?

    It looks a size big. And tuck that shit in.

    I only got parts taken in that I thought were necessary. ANYWAY. For now I will have a shirt with slightly long arms ;)

  2. Get the shirt tailored, particularly with the sleeve length. From the picture it's just a little too long. And ask if they'll take it up from the cuff instead of from the arm seam. Cuz that's peasant status alterations.

    P.S. Less man cleavage please.

    I already got the shirt tailored, I had the sides and sleeves taken in. I suppose they are a little long though. I may spend money to get it done later if I feel so inclined.

  3. 2704818994_7ea2e80113.jpg

    Thizz be the long bong. 3 1/2 foot triple perk, ice catcher and ash ketchums.

    Awesome bong man. Coincidentally, me and my friends had this shitty $15 bong that we would call "long bong". It was all plastic and a piece of shit, but it ripped hard and was real durable and easy to carry, you could literally throw it like 20 feet without breaking it.

    Anyway, nice bong :D

  4. because it implies you're posting fits to get rep, lots do it unconsciously, but you state it. it's a bit sad...

    but hum... maybe i'm over-interpretating

    I can see how you would have gotten that message. Part of the reason I post fit's is to get feedback on them, positive or negative, and see what I can improve. So far its worked great, and I feel like i'm dressing much better now than when I first joined sufu.

    Kodiak stated that I only got +rep for my photography, I was clearing up a misconception.

  5. Kodiak I think you may be fucking retarded. I obviously didnt get all my +rep from my photography posts. All of my fits get +rep now, with worst case scenario being some mixed rep. I could take the time to post my pos rep just to prove you wrong but you're honestly not worth the time. Get the fuck over it, your fits look like absolute shit. Go work out or buy clothes that fit you.

  6. Hay gaiz.

    I just got done redoing my really old website from about 2 years ago. I used to review video games and hardware back when I was really into that stuff, but I haven't updated the site in a while.

    I still get a lot of views on it so I'm converting it to a personal page for my photography and blog.

    I'm pretty happy with how I have it laid out, but I need a new banner. At the bottom of this post is an image that is correctly sized and has a gradient to blend into the website, so used that as the background for the banner. The website is currently at http://jphoto.squarespace.com but I will be buying a domain for it soon.

    Your task: Make a banner using this background to replace the current one. It has to have the text "J.Photography" on it, thats about the only requirement. Try to keep with the minimalistic theme of the website. Black and white is perfectly ok.


    The person who's banner I like best I will give $10 via Paypal.

    Background banner image:


    For everyone whos not making a banner, feel free to let me know how you like the site :) Feedback appreciated.

    Thanks all!

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