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Posts posted by lawlercopterz

  1. got a useless fine arts degree a year ago that is impossible to get a decent paying job with in the field.


    currently have the scummiest job on the planet herding models to vip events and clubs and having scummy rich guys spend retarded amounts of money on alcohol to try to impress them (haven't seen it work yet).


    really want to get into more solid event planning but can't really figure out the way to go about it, pretty bored of my current situation even though it more then pays for the bills and has its occasion perks.

  2. so crazy shit.

    my ex moved back to the city and i'd been avoiding her for a few weeks because i've been seeing a few other girls since we broke up awhile ago. anyways i was hosting a brunch party and all hell broke loose because two of the girls i had been hooking up with actually ended up there somehow at the same time and then my ex randomly shows up. what great timing on her part i guess.

    anyways i end up leaving the fiasco relatively unscathed except i end up back at my ex's place and do the whole ex sex thing whatever whatever. weve been talking since and i know its basically the dumbest thing ever to do but we are giving it another shot.

    so today i sent out the texts to my other girls to let them know the deal, so i guess this is like my super break up post because i just ended it with four other girls lol

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