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Posts posted by smiggins

  1. you'd be fine to take pics without being concerned about being in shadow, from what i can see there's plenty of light

    well the kids face in the second one would be completely dark.

    i tried that already this is one of the best ones

  2. I am thinking about painting my bike. its an old steel frame and i have already begun the sanding process of the old paint. i'm not sure what to do once its all sanded, what type of base should i use? the bike is going to be some shade of blue or grey, i am not sure what exactly yet but should i use a base coat of white first, and i am going to do it all myself so what type of paint should i use and where would i get it?


  3. Is this typical with Flathead denim when they get worn, and start to fade if you move your hand across the denim one way it changes to a different shade,and if you move it the other way the denim changes color? Especially on my thigh area it happens all the time. but on my other Imperials it doesn't happen at all. anyone know why?

  4. x36728.jpg

    Interesting shot!

    I assume you firing off the flash wirelessly with the kid holding the flash?

    or there is a flood light on top of the building and he is using a on camera flash with a diffuser. Because there is no real shadow where the kid was standing. And the background where the kid is looking toward is light up, also with no shadow there. Therefore there couldn't be just using flashes.

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