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Posts posted by eversuns

  1. surely if they are able to make man immortal they will be able to regenerate the human body, maybe a brain transplant or something :P

    having the wisdom of a 50 year old in the body of a 20 year old based concept.

  2. so jealous of you guys who can book with such an array of amazing artists. western australia sucks!

    amen to that brother, the only place worth going to here is Holdfast.

  3. Spyderco Ambitious finally hit ebay.

    Looks like collector numbered ones are going for around $40

    and there's one non-collector with a buy it now of $33 shipped.

    $33 is a very attractive price.

    Yeah I saw those, shipping to Australia though is 14 dollars minimum, might wait to see if any stores here pick it up.

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