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Posts posted by HBlack

  1. I believe Macau.. which, if I remember correctly, is a fancy

    way of saying "Made in China."

    That's where they're assembled, not necessarily where the denim is from.

  2. there was a time in my youth when i could eat a box of 12 donuts and not gain any weight or regret consuming so much.

    that time has passed. i cannot take 2 bites out of a simple boston kreme donut without wanting to throw-up, and consequently having bad indigestion (which is happening as i type this... donut flavored burps...).

    what happened to my glory days?

    I've been eating bacon almost daily for a while now, and will continue to do so until I experience negative effects.

    I'm hoping to keep it up for a few more years.

  3. is anybody else noticing another... problem....

    One that I really wish hadn't been noticeable.

    It's not my fault if my square penis happens to be located on my thigh.

    I've recently learned how to contact others with it from a distance.

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