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Posts posted by halomunkey

  1. 13 hours ago, frenchbulldog said:

    @JoseRizal USA. The UPS agent informed me that ACR listed it with the proper tariff code.

    had a similar experience to everyone else.

    UPS logistics reached out and asked for ssn and I used the opportunity to mention the tariff code. Person on the phone mentioned that although acr code was generic, they(UPS) applied their own specific code that brought it down to 4.2% (6201.99.1530), but they also mentioned that they would still have to apply the 15% china tariff so I'm not sure how you got out of that...

  2. 39 minutes ago, upheavel said:

    They want to avoid previews at all costs because they don't want knockoffs/fast-fashion beating them to market.

    this was probably a joke but didnt want ppl to get shit twisted;)

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