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Posts posted by julzkind

  1. i don't know if this sounds mean, but I'm so sick of mickey BEING sick.

    i have never, in my life, met anyone who gets sick or hurt as much as he does.

    its so fucking irritating cause its like one thing and then another. shut the fuck up, stop being a pussy and take some vitamins!!! :mad:

    dudes stomach was all wonky for weeks and now he fucking scratched his eye and has to go to a doctor to make sure its ok.

    i already have a baby to take care of, don't need two.

    god I'm a cunt

  2. so i used to use these dr dennis gross alpha beta daily face peels in conjunction with my clarisonic and the caudalie vinoperfect radiance serum and had the most radiant skin ever....

    i forgot how amaze the pads were until i took a sample home and tried it again. <3

    and super excited cause i have a huge caudalie training with the founder on the 23rd and hoping i get good gratis!!

  3. i can't find the meathead thread but I'm thinking of canceling my gym membership and signing up for krav maga/kickbocking/muay thai, or some shit like it cause i hate conventional work outs...not like i was super skinny before but just so I'm all tight.

    plus, ill feel all badass cause i know i can rly kick someones ass. :cool:

  4. ^just started using Philosphy's Miracle Worker which is a retinoid pad used nightly in conjunction with their dark spot corrector that you put all over afterwards. got it gratis so we'll see how well it works...im excited!

    lmao, i used to post there :o

    I've been living off the Malin and Goetz Detox Face Mask comboed with their vitamin e face mosturizer, my skin has been virtually pristine. every few days I use their jojoba scrub. Really solid brand, I like their pomade as an every day use too.

    ahhh, I've heard of their products and yes, good things!

    it rly does come down to skin type and sensitivities and I'm not sensitive but i prefer natural based stuff. will try others if its gratis. i srsly have a whole cabinet FULL of skincare i haven't tried and even more that I've given to my mom/friends. but i do try almost everything we have instore (i am a product brand junkie and this thread is rly bad for me)

  5. My face gets red super easily, like if I'm propping my head up on my arm, there's a huge red spot where my hand was, and if I get too warm/too cold I'm a rosy mess. I don't want to have to put lot of makeup on my face anymore, so is there anything I can do to reduce/stop this!? The internet only wants to give me cures for rosacea, which is not anything I have >:(

    derma doctor should have something...technically it is for rosacea, but actually its for skin that gets red and irritated quickly. its pricey, but most times--you get what you pay for. Its called: Calm, Cool & Corrected.

    as far as makeup goes, i love using this primer by Hourglass called Veil Mineral primer. It reduces redness and makes any makeup you put on top, waterproof! Clinique also has a redness reducing powder thats yellow and tech isn't a color cause whenever you get red you can just pat a bit of it on the area and voila!

    anyone use bb cream

    gf loves it

    I've been using the boscia(all natural japanese company btw) bb cream as a primer cause its too light to use as a foundation and i love it!! its been big in asia for a while now and just found its way to america.

    I went out and copped that Boscia mask that julzkind recommended and its nice. I've used it three times in 8 days and its pretty intensive. All that shit on your face gets pulled away along with the mask. For people who do try out the boscia mask...make sure you apply an ample amount of it on your face or you'll have a hell of a time peeling it off.

    yes! it has to be thick and opaque black to work and be careful not to peel your eyebrows off! ;)


    ohhhhh myyyy godddddddddddddddd. gonna buy the whole collection.

    omlawd, those purples are calling my naaaaaame! dammit :( ps sephora just got in the Nails Inc polishes and they are SO pretty! I've already bought 5 :o

    Good sunscreen for the face that has high spf yet doesn't cause breakouts?

    Also isn't it dumb to put sunscreen on top of moisturizer? Doesn't that clog your pores up?

    clarins has high count sensitive ones, also josie maran has a 40 spy thats all natural/organic so its great for your skin! :D

  6. WTF

    my dad just called home and said he hit some bicyclist accidentally. dude got sent to the hospital.

    FUCK. anybody ever deal with this shit? we have insurance and whatnot, but still. this is fucking crazy.

    1997, was riding my cousins(guy) bike to meet my friend to discuss our schedules and our excitement on going into the 8th grade. I was crossing the path of a drugstore exit lane and saw an elderly lady driving pretty fast. I go to press on the breaks and of course this is when having no breaks on your bike was cool. She thinks I'm breaking so she keeps going, meanwhile I can't stop, and she hits me.

    Bike is ok, but handle jams into my rib cage scraping the area under my left boob and moving my bra all the way around. She took my number (I didn't take anything, believing in the good in ppl) and I then fix my bra but she never called to check up on me. :( I have a scar still.

    I got kicked out of a mcdonalds for cracking a beer, I don't know if I should be ashamed.

    I believe the mcdonalds and burger king here (columbus) are going to be allowed to serve beer soon! Don't feel too bad ;)

  7. I've been trying to convince Mick to move to Brooklyn. Just us and the baby. Perfect little yuppie life. Have another kid, grocery shop at bodegas, walk everywhere, best pizza when we want it...

    Rly what could be better?!?!

    Where to cop 3br apartment in bk? That's like 5k a month right?

  8. Work keeps fucking me over. When you get hired they're supposed to send you to training called SOS. Never went. I'm advanced in makeup application so they keep saying it's pointless for me to go but want to send me to Encore which is phase 2 of the training, meaning I'll then be called Color Expert.

    They made me (with no formal company training on protocol) get full face +lash certified with a PRO Artist so I could continue to make money for them while they dick around.

    They want to send me to Encore next year but I just found out they could have sent me this month!!!! My managers excuse is that it's expensive and they need to make sure ppl are going to stay with the company. Im pretty fucking sure with all I've sold I've payed my way there and back!!

    Wish I could transfer but we are the only store here.


  9. tumblr_lq7mzvXxUW1qiz86go1_500.jpg

    Omlawd all of my fb friends keep posting his fucking videos like they're funny :mad: (the only funny one was about Ramadan)

    He's fucking lame!! Oof

    In other news: had a super stiff painful neck yesterday n had my brothers wife massage it...only to wake up with my whole back in the worst pain I've ever been in.

    So I popped a vicodin n laying down w a heating pad that isn't helping. :( can't even pick my baby up

  10. best face mask to remove blackheads and clean pores? The girls at Aveda are no help, they keep claiming I have good skin.
    I drank some soy and got 2 blemishes on nose, small, but it still happened... ugh. had nothing else to eat with cereal and ran out of rice milk.

    ^almond milk is also good too.

    Also looking for a face mask/a better nose strip than OTC.

    About that brow wax, i don't think i have enough of a problem to get it threaded and i heard it hurts. i just want some kind of wax to use 1-2 a month. recs?

    Boscia luminizing mask and strips. Way more intense cleansing than OTC products. And even for a small area, threading is still better. If you dont want to go get it done, YouTube some clips n you can do it at home!

    i have acne scars. Any recommended cream i could use or home remedies? I dont have money for surgery and the benzoyl peroxide my doctor prescribe me does not work.

    murad has a post spot lightening gel that I've heard great things about, try that or what the post under me is suggesting!

    Refer to my post: Paula's Choice BHA 2%

    With scars it doesn't just magical go away. Try that formula of BHA 2% or anything you feel comfortable with and stick with it for 6 months at least to a year.

    Also, for more preventive care you MUST put on lotion DAILY with SPF 30+ (There is like 2 kind of SPF as well, for different sun rays but I assuming most of today's OTC facial lotion should include it especially if you are looking at the most generic brands)

    Both are a daily regimen you must stick with on a daily basis, the latter with the sunscreen facial lotion the more important so to not cause more discoloration with your scarring.

    Def def sunscreen!!

  11. Ooh I don't know everyone there, I wish they would hurry up and send me to training in SF already tho!! =/

    The smokey palette is becoming my fave, that clovers color is <3! N yeah, try them out but esp w that palette I like the concealer like color base. Makes the colours richer

  12. ^First, great skin matenience! i honestly don't do mine myself. My skin reacts really badly to eyebrow waxing so I get mine threaded. Fastest most hygienic way to get clean brows! Look up threading in the services section on your cities craigslist...I found a lady to do my brows for only $3!!

    julz, any recommendations for moisturiser? its great for the price point, but i would be happy to spend more for something that worked better. keep in mind the whole dry/sensitive skin thing.

    I honestly love all natural brands for sensitive skin. Aveda, Aveeno, Burt's Bees, Boscia, Caudalie, Ole Henrikson, Skyn Iceland, Korres. All have really great options. One I reach for most often for clients that have dry sensitive skin is the Caudalie Vinosource Quenching Sorbet Creme. Affordable hydrating, great for hypersensitive skin!

    great thread !!111

    today at sephora in SF a cute makeup artist did some awesome heavy tranny makeup on me. totally sold me the two faced eyeshadow kit, even though they were aggressively forcing the eye primer on me which I didn't buy.

    or should I buy it!??! it is absolutely, 100% necessary?

    Tyty! Was Sam's idea! What artist was it? Erik Soto works at the SF store and he certified me for makeup application and lashes(only certified cast are allowed to apply full face/lashes now)! I'm so jealous the major stores get to have such talent in their areas daily!!! What palette did you buy? They did a rly good job repackaging them :). And YES, to me primer is essential. But, you can prime with a bunch of diff things. Concealer, foundation, cream shadows and the eyeshadow primer. I was using a cream eyeshadow before I got a free primer sample and really don't see a difference between the two.

    there's a face moisturizer that i bought from Trader Joe's that's actually pretty amazing. it's in an orange bottle and cost no more than $5, probably $3.99. smells a bit more fruity than i'd like but besides that it works great.

    but also i find that your cleanser definitely affects how your moisturizer works for you. for example, i'll use Aveda's tourmaline charged exfoliating cleanser with the Trader Joe's moisturizer, but if i use the Shu Uemura ($60+) moisturizer, my skin becomes way too oily.

    St. Ives is a no-no! there are better exfoliants/cleansers out there.

    Shu Uemura is def going to be a more rich and luxurious product. Brands like that and Chanel and La Mer don't really focus on controlling oil, hydration and glow is usually the brand essence. It's rly just trial and error and making sure all the factors you need/have are taken into consideration when choosing skin care/makeup.

  13. st ives scrub ever other day

    so fresh, so clean

    That actually creates little pot holes in the skin. The grains are far too rough to do any good!

    I'm lazy as fuck and I usually don't remember to use 3 or 4 facial products a day so if you could only recommend one facial cleaner for a guy, what would it be?

    Cetaphil makes a great daily wash/lotion. Esp if you don't want to pay crazy for a simple one.

    go oldskool: brush, hot water and shaving soap/cream. also get a safety razor, they're a lot cheaper in the long run and the gimmiky razor with 5 blades won't do your delicate skin any good apart from skrubbing off skin you kinda need

    i usually get much closer shaves that last longer and that shit smells and feels better (you will need to invest more time). avoid aftershave/shaving cream products with alcohol, they tend to dry out your skin

    be gentle to your face when shaving, use short clean shaving motions (check youtube, there's an old dude, who's got some great instructional vids)

    there's a lot more to be said here, general rule of thumb the more expensive your equipment (except for the razor) the better. key elements are the pre shave prep and the quality of lather. get a brush with real hair, you will be able to whisk up a good lather a lot faster and get a much nicer quality of lather

    after the shave make sure you get ALL the soap off your face with hot water then rinse a couple more times with the coldest water you can manage. this closes the pores on your face and wakes you the fuck up in the morning. apply an after shave lotion that suits your skin, this might take a lot of trial and error to get the right product. the result will blow you away though.

    also get a shaving stick to quickly heal small cuts and bruises, also prevents ingrown hair (burns like fuck but you won't look all cut up)

    Def buy quality products, The Art Of Shaving makes a kit specifically for sensitive skin, some even with a razor. But I would recommend also gentle exfoliating to make sure no dead skin is between the razor an your skin (which can cause ingrowns) and like I said, shave AFTER shower.

    Cleansing pads! Preferably one without alcohol.

    Avoid drying out your skin or else your body will create more oils. Moisturize your skin even if it's oily.

    Or a purifying cleanser that cleans and restores ph balance and I agree, a lotion (oil free) and oil controlling! If you find your skin is mostly oily and you haven't moisturizer after washing it--that's why. If you wash and then don't moisturize, your skin goes into repair mode overproducing oils to compensate which causes clogged pores and breakouts!

  14. my awkwardness has become the definition of me.

    if i made friends in school/work, i never hung out with them outside of those areas. my social interaction is awful because of this.

    i dont know how to greet or say goodbye to acquaintances and i dont call ppl back or make plans to hang out. i cant carry on simple conversations about them. im just awkward.

    but im working at it.

  15. ugh all those times i tipped fat because i thought her nipples were naturally that color

    pink nips n pussy lips get me every time :cool:

    I wanna do that face peel Christian Bale does in American Psycho when he's doing the monologue, moreso cause it just looks like it feels good. Does that even exist? I use the clay mask from Baxter every now and then and my face feels super clean after, but I want that latexish rubbery peel thing he does too.

    boscia luminizing black mask. shit is intense but cleans everything out of your face. there is a certain way to pull it off tho. and you can be black for like 10 min

  16. LOL


    and LOL


    all u need :P

    or: P1272_hero.jpg

    made specifically for strippers to make their nipples pink for more tips


    for armpit discoloration

    Any recommendations for shaving cream/aftercare?

    I have relatively sensitive skin + thick facial hair = shaving is painful :(

    always shave AFTER showering. to aid in making it easier i like using a shave oil. the Eshu PreShave Oil is natural based and pretty cool.

  17. Never tried Paula's Choice, but def heard about it.

    DDF has some really amaze glycolics, salicylics, benzoyl peroxides tho.

    Their 10% sulfur mask has been a life saver on many occasion.

    For cystic acne, put some glycolic oil on spot, let it dry n then put the sulfur mask on top. For topical blemishes, do the benzoyl peroxide or sulfur mask.

    PS don't let your hoes wear MAC skin makeup!! its awful and will cause cystic acne. I don't know how many people I meet that say MAC messed their skin up.

    Dr Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Peel is amazing for exfoliating. It has glycolic, lactic, salicylic and retinol and its a gentle "peel" that evens skin tone, kills blemishes, pro-youth benefits....great when you don't want to use 50 million products.

    Also, CLARISONIC. if you want super clean skin--holy shit.

  18. So, I know its just a touch out of place--but if not in the trash, where else could it go?

    I'm currently working at Sephora and I've got some great skincare, hair and beauty knowledge...

    Samsikle I know is deep in the nail art bidness and I'm slowly but surely getting acclimated in that area

    You got questions, I might have answers--post pics of editorials you find beautiful or even things your girl wants to know.

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