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Posts posted by toldey

  1. ^all in the same location?

    also, prolly answered already, but whatchu shooting with there?

    yeah, all in the same location. for an upcoming series i am shooting..'the riverway'

    ill have a statement once the final body of work is finished.

    all are and will be shot with hasselblad 500 series medium format camera.

  2. nice, im using a nikon sb-28, with a cheap ebay trigger. haha

    gonna get a sb-800 soon and just slave that one using CLS until i get more reliable triggers

    $160+ each for PW is a bit much for me right now.

    you using any gels btw? looks like it on camera left

    Nice, I think you're off to a good start. Just start saving up for pocket wizard's afterwards, I used those ebay triggers and that taught me a big lesson about what to spend my money on..haha but they should hold you until then.

    I wasn't using any gels on that photo, I was using the sun setting as a rim.

  3. Nice pic. What's your lighting set up. I'm about to get a set of pocket wizards and I want to get 3 flashes, but I can't decide on which ones!

    I use Nikon SB-26's (x2) and pocket wizards. You can go with vivitar 285's, nice and cheap, I went from vivi 285s to sunpak 544's and now im using these nikon's and i like them by far the best. if you have any questions, send me a pm! :D

    good luck!

  4. That shadow bugs me... would be solved by having your subject stand further away from the backdrop.

    Her skin also looks a bit deathly/pale.

    yeah, i would have preferred to have all shadows gone on the background as well, working with a limited space in my basement was a bit tough, so i pushed her up as far as possible.

    this was just a quick edit/scan so by no means, this is the real color nor the final print..color was off right from the beginning at scan and i had to run so i didn't bother to rescan.

    thanks though sidney

  5. alot of ignorance here..i don't find the need to put down other peoples interests. i personally don't rollerblade nor do i skate, i ride bmx and i ride fixed, but i don't find myself calling what other people like to do stupid or 'gay'. sure, i could find basket weaving to be stupid but im sure that person that basket weaves finds me riding my 20inch bike stupid. everyone has interests and everyone is subjected to their own opinion but calling something stupid or 'gay' just seems so childish to me.

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