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Posts posted by Akira

  1. "You know what happens tomorrow morning when this is all over, or tomorrow afternoon or tonight? We all become Americans. We support Barack Obama or John McCain 100% because if they fail, we fail."

    Giuliani on NBC

  2. What the fuck? Them rapture peoples be crazy...

    Now I don't think that our freedom of speech will be hindered that much until after the rapture. This is just my thought but I believe we will be gone before Nazi Germany kicks in. Now as for the AC thing...still don't see that. I think he is a trial run. To see that people can fall for a man this quickly that comes out of the blue and even get to worshiping him....that tells me something about what the real AC will be like. Thank God I don't think I will be here for that one.
    Just watching McCain's final speech, and it came to me that the American people had the choice between the Cadillac and the cheap junker, and they chose the junker.
    Oh how backwards they have it....

    PS: I REALLY hate Christian music... especially if it's rock/rap

    PPS: The rapture people actually think that Obama is Muslim, glad they don't believe everything put in front of them.... oh wait

    PPPS: They think global warming is a "sham"

    PPPPS: Israel isn't going to attack Iran

    PPPPPS: The stupid thread keeps repeating posts

    PPPPPPS: Obama doesn't support partial-birth abortions nor does he want to (/ nor could he) change the Constitution

    PPPPPPPS: The US won't "forsake" Israel because it's our only fucking ally in the Middle East

    PPPPPPPPS: Thank God they're planning on getting out of the country

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