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Posts posted by Akira

  1. FWIW I'd go with Premium Denim Outlet in the future. I think my order was $70 shipped next day (or was it 2-day?) for 10yds of Cone yellow selvedge (13/13.5 oz iirc?). I need to get a new machine in order to work on a new pair (my old machine wasn't powerful enough for a lot of pieces so the end product looked like shit)

  2. The death of the barbarian during the gameplay video (vs the Seige whatever whatever) soooooooooooo epic. (Barb gets his head bitten off and one of the witchdoctors gets flung off screen never to be seen again)

  3. sounds like you were tailgating this guy to begin with, if you had no time to react to his quick exit of the lane and couldn't see traffic in front of you

    you're fortunate you didn't learn your lesson the hard way... I drive 55mph on my daily commutes, unless I am in a hurry due to special circumstances. Anyway, I've come to learn that I can save gas/environment this way, and the difference in speed doesn't really translate to a time advantage. so I snicker at all the mofos I make mad with my granny speed, but overall, it makes me a very safe driver

    5 car lengths is not tailgating..... How am I supposed to see traffic in front of me when he is in front of me? My car is lower than his and at that distance I probably wouldn't have been able to see through his window anyway. Now had he been paying attention and not on the phone like a jackass he would have been slowing down and I would have been braking, instead he decides to narrowly avoid a collision by swerving blindly into another lane

    And I don't care how slow you go as long as you stay in the right lane, if you're in the left lane you're impeding the flow of traffic and actually should be ticketed. That being said, that's completely irrelevant.

  4. Those pictures need a R rating, me thinks. Don't want to see that while enjoying my morning coffee

    Nearly died about half an hour ago.... was following a Nissan Xtera going speed limit (60mph) and all of a sudden he swerves out to the carpool lane and in his place is a line of stopped (completely lacking movement) cars. Had about 5 carlengths to slam on the brakes and come to a stop. Thank god my brakes don't suck and thank god the Ford behind me was paying attention and didn't ass rape me

    Also, I've been in an accident where some old lady hit me and flipped my car..... not exactly fun going from upright to 90 deg to the left and spinning like a top. No injuries except a small cut I got from hopping out of the shattered window though but the car was totaled. Sad day

  5. i was going to use CL rideshare to get to SD today.

    I posted a ride needed listing and some guy replied last week asking me to let him know if i found a ride, that way he could tag along or something. a couple days ago, he says he's just going to take his own car down and that i should go with him. He's not asking for gas money or anything and instead, just wants to leave at 9AM today and is offering me a lift back from SD to SF whenever I want. He stated he went to Foothill and added me over facebook. Whatever, not a big deal.

    then I ask him for some contact info on his end to leave with my friends and he only gives me a disconnected cell number and asks me to bring an ipod to hook up to his car. He adds a lot of my friends over facebook for no apparent reason and then he asks me if I'm gay. I see that he his over facebook.

    kind of getting a weird feeling so i just emailed him last night saying i'd rather just take the plane...

    am i being paranoid? or was this guy going to rape me...


  6. x4i6aq.jpg


    edit not going to flush other peoples piss YOU PEOPLE

    ??? That's gotta be a private bathroom [bathtub], either it's yours or you gotta have a talk with your roommates. SuFu sees all!!! Also, is that tp in the bowl? Could be clogged which adds about 10 more -reps, outweighing the fit itself

  7. The teacher put a motherfucking question mark after the word "xenogamy" in my paper. You lazy bastard, not my fault my vocabulary is more diverse than yours. Go find a dictionary. He also marked me down for not having my name before the page number when he makred me down on the first paper for having my name there.... WTF do you want from me?!? God damn I dislike this guy. Bitch I write in e prime gtfo ma balls! lulz he's having someone look up words for him now. I AM BETTER THAN YOU!!!

    If this shit wasn't supposed to be an anonymous peer review, I'd tear into this fool for being so retarded. DISLIKE. Because my thesis isn't a pitiful listing of 3 shitty ideas doesn't mean it's nonexistant you fuck. There are these things called analogies, generally one who is versed in rhetoric knows what it is. lulz at these noobs giving me a C because they don't know what I'm talking about. I don't use a fucking thesaurus you bastard, I'm far better than that previous-level tool


  8. :/ pulled my KMWs out of retirement and they feel so baggy on me (+2 waist 1980s vs tts PBJ xx-010s) and since I got a new phone the fade doesn't match anymore. They're still fucking soft as silk though so fuck da haturz.... might patch them and bring them back into rotation

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