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↓ Is The New ↑

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Posts posted by ↓ Is The New ↑

  1. Good ol' Pierce wasn't THAT bad, it's just that he was more of a pretty boy than say Daniel Craig. Yet even with that said, you cannot deny that Goldeneye was a great Bond film and brought life back into the legacy after that long hiatus in which the last film was License To Kill with Timothy Dalton. I have love for Dalton in The Living Daylights but I can't even front and say License To Kill was a good film as far as Bond movies go.

  2. Portraits of Past. Two re-union NY shows coming up very soon. I'll be there.

    Forgot to update that I actually attended both of the NY shows and the singer from PoP wore Skulls during the first show. Just thought that was neat.


    At least thats my favorite kind on a woman, but if it looks good and suits them it really doesn't matter.

  4. Bro,,... i would get NS if i were you.. i have big hips too and muscular thighs and even NS is too slim on me ok? so maybe not new cute go get NS or Rescue man


    Laff, gaydad loves to call the females "man." SEE CHEAP MONDAY THREAD.

  5. Yeah I'm hitting up the Midnight showing of this with my father who is a really big Bond fan. I've been hearing it's pretty much non-stop action, such as something you'd see in the Bourne films. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

  6. The most ignorant shit is when people state that they will 'move to another country' if a certain candidate would win. This logic baffles me. It's like the second he takes over the country is just immediately going to change for the worse and out culture will begin to crumble. I have heard people on both sides say this and it makes me shake my head in disbelief. Dude, you just lived through 8 years of Bush and before that 8 years of Clinton. How much different could it possibly be? So much that now you want to move?

    I hear you on this man but I say good riddance. I'm so sure those people would just get up and move right? Stupidity and completely over-dramatic.

  7. Hmm, I just kinda got a user banned who previously had a neutral reputation. I mean, he was ignorant but he still wouldn't of been banned if I hadn't posted the rep he left me.

    I feel a little bad.

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