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Posts posted by eternall

  1. had a really strange dream last night.

    im walking down a street and im a prostitute. i make eye contact with some guy and start walking down a small alley off the street. its not a dingy one, its nice, clean and the middle of the day. the guy follows me and we both know whats going to happen. we both stop in this doorway off the alley which has got three doors leading to apartments. we talk about how the apartments are really old (?). we start fucking on the ground in this door way and i keep hitting my head on the doors. i dont know the guy but i thinks its ok cos he's hot. after i think to myself 'now i can say someone has paid me for sex' like its on my 'things to accomplish in life' list or something. he pays me $38.50 and i ask when ill get the rest of the cash. he runs off back to the street and i cant move to chase him.

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