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Posts posted by Shunie

  1. malky,

    u're looking good.... nice fit u got there.... very nice..

    so... you're go 1 size up, aren't u?

    correct me if i'm wrong...



    almost skinny but not too tight....

    tell more about the sizing....

    I got it altered to fit.

    They are size 27s, when I got them the hem measured 19cm (Weird, since they're supposed to be the 19cm cut).

    And after some rough estimations, I got the hem altered down to 16cm which fits me pretty well. :D

  2. Any new April 77 stocks from QC? Just enlisted, no time to head out to shop.

    When was your previous visit?

    The only stuff they have that arrived recently end-of-dec to start-of-jan were the shiny corduroys, batcaves, black snow the diasaster orion jacket(For the ladies) and this weird tie-dye pair which looks pretty damn ugly called acid something

  3. if you people bother to read the thread from the first post on, you'd realise that the entire stocklist of denim available in singapore is listed there.

    and bread and butter is as terrible as the male model that they used; low quality.

    Well... I added something new tho. QC stocks DVB too now.

  4. Hey, anyone know if there's new raw denim brands available in Singapore? Must say the stockist has really grown, are there any others which i'm missing out? Hope to get some new jeans after CNY ang pao rush!!:D

    List now:

    Evisu -puma@marina square, redwovles

    Nudie -style:Nordic

    Imperial - thelawn

    APC - frontrow

    Skulls - queen's couture

    Iron army -thelawn, queen's couture

    sugar cane denim -the attic, queen's couture

    Dior -club21

    LVC -hereen

    Earnest sewn -actually

    Yen jeans -actually

    Cheap monday raws - hajilane, queen's couture

    Flathead - billetdoux

    Julian red - knowitnothing

    Dr denim -woonderland, tangs


    Topman raw selvedge jeans

    J Brand, Kusubi, DVB, April 77, Sugar cane, Ironarmy(Can't remember if they did carry them)

    All of em at Queen's Couture, Heeren.

    Edit: Oh yeah, I think they do carry Skull denim by The Alchemist too.

  5. I think I know what the coating means. My Margiela jeans have it. Makes it looks metallic and have a rough like surface.

    04 are waxed too. But not throughout. Avail on ebay now I think.

    How do you maintain that coat on your Margielas? They're bound to wear out after a few washes.

    P.S. Batcavez anyone? Ultimo-Shinez.

  6. I thought Mr Jeff The Grapist said its waxed?

    In the first place, I dont even know if Club 21 brought in the Arp-Nots at all.

    It isn't, it's just a coated with a thin layer of polyeutherane or something like that.

    The 03 lustre are the real waxed ones, and they go for about 1xxx++ SGD.

  7. It looks good on you shunie. Where did u get it from ? feel like getting 1 too

    beast : can get it quite easily online. (dh@msn , diabro, lvr) in fact there's sale for those 07aw stuff, sharp notations at only 400+ sgd but they are all snapped up now

    Got it from sufu's supermarket from binding :)

    If you want one just ask grapist, I'm sure he'll have em.

    Yeah sharp notations were on sale @ LVR, for around 300-400 sgd a few months back.

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