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Posts posted by mutt225

  1. I do agree sometimes doing street photography its a bitch but i remember scoring gigs back when i had a D50 feeling like an asshole in front of the other photographers them giving me that eye. but i also remember getting the shot they didnt and getting it published so cant complain

  2. in terms of specs and features my choice would be,

    d80 > 400d> d40

    i personally prefer the canon cause im used to the canon interface (i hate trying to learn new user interface).

    Yeah I feel the same way if I pick up a Canon, I was trying to help a lady at a zoo the other day and teach her a few things but I had no clue how to work the damn camera, Stick to my nikon.

  3. So on the 20th, I decided to hop on a train out of Los Angeles towards Oakland, with the idea to end up in Seattle sometime after Christmas. I made no plans, and packed very little. This is all I brought

    Nice yardsale, I always try to do this but work never permits it.

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