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Posts posted by jordanelias

  1. searched already for this topic, but didn't find what i was looking for.

    my girl (six months dating) asked, "jordan, why did you break up with xyz anyway?" xyz is an ex-girlfriend, someone that i dated well over a year ago. my girl knows i have dated gils before her, and the only things she knows about sora is her name.

    i responded, "we broke up because the balance wasn't right. if it's not right between people, it's no good. it doesn't matter now anyway, though; it's good that it happened otherwise i wouldn't be here right now with you"

    "you broke up with her, right?"

    "yeah, that's how it always happened before."

    "so now i know what to expect."

    "don't be saying that. hopefully that won't happen."

    she smiled, kissed me, seemed happy with the response and we fucked later. but i want to know how to deal with that better next time. pretty sure a screw up occurred when i mentioned "that's how it always happened". advice?

  2. I'm dating a girl I met at a clothing store. She helped me out slightly when I was browsing (checked to see if they had a size in stock), but that was it. When I said I was ready to pay, we went to the counter and I asked "Exciting day?"

    The question's gold. Opens up conversation, you can tease about what they did/didn't do, make a joke about what you're doing. Find out if they're working while in school or not, etc, just a casual "so why are you working here" story. Talk while you're swiping your credit card about whatever subject popped up. End with something like take it easy, start to leave, turn around and ask "Hey, do you want to go to a drink some time?" and give them your phone.

    This has worked on numerous occasions. Takes two minutes, tops.

  3. i was hoping that of the bottom two, the other would go home. i knew that would never happen, but the girl sent home was easily my favourite. she just needed a bit more guidance; she was the prettiest person there

  4. I have a nasty habit of not caring about girls that I meet, so I don't bother to stick around and hit on them. Only afterwards do I think to myself that they were hot and I should have stuck around.

  5. You know you've stumbled upon a good nickname when it feels natural and the receiving party accepts it wholeheartedly, without question, without doubt.

    I now call a friend of mine "Little Bear" and she calls me "Nephew".

  6. Stranger: Show me your moves!


    Stranger: YES!!

    You: YES!!!

    You: ...graham?

    Stranger: mark?

    You: jordan

    Stranger: jordan?

    Stranger: hahahahhaha

    You: YES

    You: YES

    You: hahahahahahaha

    Stranger: Fucking awesome

    Stranger: 3257 users

    You: totally

    Stranger: i was suprised by the insta timing

    You: agreed

    Stranger: man, that is totaly win

    You: absolutely

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