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Posts posted by _ironman

  1. I see no reason why science and religion cannot agree rather than be opposed. I don't think 'God did it so that's it' and spirituality needs to be investigated as meticulously as science like sungrak said if you haven't looked into it how can you know for sure?

    they can't agree because religion says God made everything and science says otherwise, simple as that. and just as you said earlier, sungrak cannot tell someone they have to have complete knowledge of every nook and cranny of the universe to come to a conclusion but exempt himself from the same logic

    I also don't see how people can say religious texts are solely metaphorical allegories and stories that are supposed to teach you morals. Have any of you actually read the Old Testament? It's full of stories that don't teach you anything, but rather show you some aspect of God.

    i didn't say they are solely metaphorical and supposed to teach morals. what i was trying to say was because some of it is, the rest of it loses credibility as fact. i already said i never fully read it. i also think we should end this unless more people want to give their opinions on if there is a god, and why they think so, as per the original post

  2. I think the problem people get into with the Bible in particular and all those things that you mention are that they are allegories or need to be taken into a context of how, when and what purpose they were written for rather than taken literally which unfortunatley some people do taking everything they are told on face value and never questioning or exploring their own faith, but to discount any notion of God based on religious texts as without merit seems a little short sighted, have you read the Torah, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita?

    yes, i understand and agree that they may have been written to not be taken literally, but just a story to just instill good morals and lessons. but with that, how can you take any of it seriously? you can't pick and choose which pages you want to take literally. i feel that religious texts have no credibility as fact; but i also think that it would be good for children to read it growing up as long as they don't read it like it's a documentary. no i have not fully read them, just as no religious person who denies evolution has read all the texts pertaining to it.

    What I meant by referring to Einstein is that despite not being religious you have to admit that ther are things that science can't explain or make sense of and we all have to ask the 'why are we here?' question and come up with a way of rationalizing our existense whatever the conclusion.

    i think that is another question altogether, regarding fate/destiny/purpose of life what have you. besides our biological purpose to produce offspring and survive, i don't think we each have an ultimate purpose in life, save personal goals. for example, i think the best thing a person can contribute is to try to advance our technology and society, further our understanding of science, and the things that come with it (curing cancer, alternative fuels, world hunger, etc.). may i ask what you think we are here for?

    There are plenty of things we can't answer right now. Science is the tool we use to get to those answers.

    Dogma written thousands of years ago wont answer anything.

    exactly; science is trying to further our understanding and figure out things we don't have the answers to, not simply give up in favour of the easy solution (for example, saying God did it and be done with it)

  3. However the bearded white robed 'GOD' that we all can't help picturing is misleading I would think whateveryouwannacallit is something completley beyond comprehension........I think all religions come from the same source those similarities to me are too numerous if you really investigate

    yes it is misleading, and most major religions have too many similarities to ignore. what i mainly wanted to come back to say was i do not think it is beyond our comprehension, but i do very strongly believe any notion of a God built upon religious texts do not warrant any merit. this is mainly for its ridiculous claims: moses split water, one dude and his family made a giant boat housing two of every animal, creation in 7 days, 13 billion years vs. a few thousand years, dinosaurs and wooly mammoths and cavemen did not exist, the list goes on.

    but because some of our science is only in theory stages, the fight is still up for proof for/against a God.

    yeah many things are just theory, yet to be proven, such as dark matter, dark energy, string theory, higgs-boson particle (although they are making a machine to test this). despite this, there is plenty of physical observational evidence for the big bang theory, i.e. the universe is still expanding today.

    Even Einstein admitted that he believed there was a 'mystical core to the universe'.

    "... The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish."

    - Einstein

  4. i think neptunecitylocal said it best, you should be responsible for your own actions. although some teachings in religious texts are good-hearted, i absolutely despise the idea of people saying it's all part of god's plan or karma etc. as a scapegoat for their actions/decisions

    other things that make me believe there is no god(s):

    - sometimes it seems that god portrayed in religious texts is merely a personification of the sun

    - many major religions share an uncanny amount of highly similar elements; i.e. it's just a nice story with some good morals

    - the ridiculousness of the story; god made everything in seven days, in the dark.

    on a related note, i didn't like how my parents tried to make me believe there is an afterlife, a soul, what have you; i think kunk's method of having the children figure it out for themselves is good

  5. whitney - wow that must suck going to the hospital a lot, hope you don't have to go as often anymore. but at least you got a cool info card :)

    jmatsu - ouch indeed. when i saw my doctor one time, she said it wouldn't hurt to get tested. she tested me for hiv and all the other stuff, but i never had to have that happen...just had to draw like 8 vials of blood =/

    sistersuzie - were you young when this happened? i think that'd be traumatic if you were young but actually kinda funny if you were older lol

  6. joey formal - damn that sucks bad. how much was the bill?

    clopek - are you serious? didn't know one can be overcircumsized

    whitney - although it seems your needle was smaller....holy shit needle to the chest? may i ask what it was for?

    pavlova - wtf so the ambulance just told you that you'd be aight and sent you home?

    jeepster - would breaking the bone and letting it heal have yielded a better recovery?

    also, does anyone else feel that anaesthetics don't really work? like a situation when they perform procedures while you're awake. i've recall two instances where i could still feel it, but the anaesthetics seem to make the pain less severe. i ask because the doctors always said i won't feel a thing

  7. when i was born, i had a rather noticable case of a cleft lip. i had many surgeries to try and fix it, taking skin from under my lower lip and chin etc.

    anyways, so i was at SickKids hospital for another surgery, laying on the operating table and i just got sleeping gassed or whatever it's called. then, for some reason, i wake up, but i'm still on the table. so i'm thinking wtf but the doctor apparently turned off the gas just to ask me how i'm doing before he started

    so i was awake and just about to answer, "yeah i'm fine" when the nurse stabbed the thick intravenous needle right into my fist. i fell right back asleep/unconscious, probably out of shock. i'm pretty sure i wasn't supposed to be awake for that. it was the worst pain i ever felt. i got owned.

    what's your story?

  8. My bad on the locale of the thread and also the bumps. Let's make an exception this time around. The reason why the market sounded like a place for it is because I'm considering selling it if I can't sort the confusion out. I'd be pretty pissed if it was fake, but I guess it is seriously possible.

    I'm still sort of convinced that it is real, given the general quality of it and the tag...Thanks for all the help so far.

    i don't mind helping, but we should not make an exception. the mods should move this thread or delete it and make you do it properly. and who is going to buy something that you yourself doubt its authenticity?

    quality can be faked. i've seen some that are really good fakes, with striped sleeve lining, non fuzzy wash tags, even the "p" on "paris" facing the right way

    Can someone confirm if there are pieces which have the word Reference not in capital letters?

    i have/had a pair of dress pants from SS02 Red that wasn't in capitals and it also had accents on the first two "e"s (é)

    everyone's getting paranoid now lol:D

    yeah, well you would be too for >$800. that's why you see he's just wanting to come to the conclusion it's real without really checking. he hasn't responded about the paris tag, and one more thing: is the stitching on the buttons of yours | | or X. it should be the former

    1) go to aforementioned threads and ask if someone has an FW06 item to compare the wash tag (small questions, legit checks megathread, dior thread, even msn groups dior forum)

    2) like you (zakkaz) said, go to local boutique to check

  9. i would say it's fake for the following reasons:

    1) i would presume leathers need to be dry cleaned; don't have one myself, but maybe some can confirm this

    2) the reference number appears twice on the fabric content tags

    3) the reference number indicates SS06 but the runway image he provides is from FW07. maybe the item is a carryover item not sure

  10. look at the ref tag, it's not even centered. and anyways reference should be in bold and the ref# shouldn't.

    i have one from VOTC where "reference" is in capitals and not bolded, and the reference number is bolded. also on mine, DIOR HOMME is underneath the reference number

    which way is the letter "p" on the paris tag facing when it is hanging downward? the "p" should be facing the nape of the neck, not facing away from it

    i think it'd be best if someone had one from the same collection to compare as it may differ collection to collection

    i like to help, but seriously, bumping it three times is pretty annoying of you. there are other threads you should've used instead of creating one, especially in the supermarket.

    1) small questions thread, for your small question

    2) legit checks megathread, self explanatory

    3) a dior thread if there is one, if not, try the dior denim faq for help from fellow dior fans

  11. i dunno what you're complaining about..i have to take 6 courses every term (nuclear engineering). i'm already done my second year, and it is definitely completely doable. as others said, it's up to you and your time management

    i also know other engineers/health science students who can hold their own with good grades and still get a decent amount of sleep, or others who choose to waiver that sleep to have a more lively social life

    you shouldn't complain about something you chose, and just because you cannot do it does not mean it is not doable. if you do think it's too hard, then like many have said, just go do something else

  12. Which boxer: the nigga from Vegas or Sagat?

    I think the most skilled players used Zangief -- who is almost unbeatable if you could do the spinning piledriver.

    the one from vegas, Balrog. he was replaced in the 3rd one with this guy named Dudley: dudley.gif. this guy can dodge and shit. it's fun

  13. yeah that was one of his special moves, it was called the lariat i think. Except he's grabbing the target as if they were dancing and then does some flying up and spinning down into the floor powerbomb kinda thing.

    Zangief is a fuckin hard character to use...too big/clumsy. If he's against Ryu or Ken he's fucked, cant do shit about jumping over those fireballs.

    i also thought that boxer dude was pretty worthless in terms of use.

    i felt Zangief was hard to use because his good moves were difficult to execute. and i thought the boxer guy was cool because you could charge up his dash punch while it said, "ready?....fight!" the boxer guy in street fighter 3 was much more versatile and actually worth using though. i'll stop now

  14. I personally don't think you could fuck with those cuban heels man. You're style doesn't have enough swagger. I think you're literally walking into a disaster....

    i'll definitely admit that i was not all that comfortable in my last posted fit, but on a normal basis i usually wear a button-up, jeans, and some boots. i am most comfortable in these clothes. i don't bother posting these as i'm pretty sure i'd get shit for posting simple fits. and they are simple, i'm only 19 and slowly acquiring a wardrobe. i don't have a salary job like most of you and don't spend my parents money on clothes

    To be fair, if he's not used to heels he might stumble very slowly instead of walk.

    i've been wearing ankle boots since like the 8th grade, and they are my go-to footwear. i have never really gotten used to flat sneakers or anything of that sort. my most recent pair of boots before this was a smaller cuban heel, and i've actually got to say, these 6.5cm ones are surprisingly easier and more comfortable to walk in...must be the wide heel

  15. Dior Homme 2 button suit jacket blazer

    Collection: F/W 2004 Victim of the Crime

    Reference Number: 4HH1022820

    Material: 100% Super 100s wool

    Lining: 100% Bemberg

    Colour: Black

    Size: 52

    Chest: 20.5” (41” around)

    Shoulders: 17.5”

    Sleeves: 27”

    Length: 32”

    Retail: >$2000

    Asking Price: $1100 shipped


    - Thin notch lapel with slit for boutonnière on lapel

    - Two-button fastening, low button stance-- Fit is more akin to picture laying flat than picture hanging

    - Single centered back vent

    - Super 100s medium weight wool gabardine composition

    - Felt under-collar

    - Striped sleeve lining

    - OUTER POCKETS: 1 chest, 2 waist flap pockets; Right waist pocket has 2 extra pouches compared to left pocket (see picture)

    - INNER POCKETS: 1 big right pocket, 2 left pockets plus 1 small pen pocket

    - Pictures of tags


    - used a few times

    - the chest can always be taken in

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