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Posts posted by AnthonyC

  1. what are you eating while high?

    last night went as follows:

    - Sourdough Jack w curly fries and Oreo shake

    - Honey Bunches of Oats (without milk, it kinda sucked)

    - Subway sweet onion teriyaki

    - Yogurtland

    - Yogurtland round 2

    - Twix with Arizona Iced Tea

    This was all between 7pm-1am

    Only place that was open:


  2. anyone else watch Jersey Shore on MTV?

    guido based reality tv show, holy fuck season preview includes such things as:

    girls getting punched in the face by dudes

    dudes getting punched in the face by girls

    dudes punching dudes

    girls punching girls

    lots of roid rage/hair gel/fake tan

    ...good god this is amazing television, I feel like I'm at the circus

    I'm tuning in. i've already adapted the fist pump


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