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Posts posted by thatrealness

  1. The entire staff of the show just got laid off, and the show has officially been canned for the forseeable future. After next week there probably won't be any more office for the next few months at least :(

    That's highly disappointing...I wonder how long this strike is going to drag on.

  2. I feel as though I'm obligated to post in here.

    We will probably be seeing plenty of rashida this season as she is signed on as a show regular.

    Jim and Pam will break up by the end of the season.

    Rainn deserves an Emmy for his portrayal as a heart-broken Dwight.

    It was mentioned already, but I love how the background characters are being fleshed out more this season.

    What are you favourite episodes?

    Mine would have to be Take Your Daughter To Work Day. "When I grow up I want to have a 100 children, so I can have a 100 friends and no one can say no to being my friend."

    Let's hope after the writers' strike the episodes start to get better again, a la seasons 2 and 3.

    I don't necessarily have a favorite episode since each one leaves me wanting more. I think one of my favorite scenes is the beginning of "the client" when they show clips of michael parading around in his levi's. haha.

  3. just finished the 2nd season

    awesome show

    kevin needs more camera time

    Kevin is indeed one of the best characters...his mannerisms are hilarious.

    I can see how some people think Steve Carell is annoying, but the thing about his humor is that he's not trying to force it on people a la Jim Carrey, Dane Cook, etc.

    "I have heeeeemmmmmoooorrrhoooids!!!!"

  4. civicbackle8.jpg

    I'm lovin the Hiero sticker!

    I don't want to post pictures of my ride, since its a beater. '92 ford explorer with a BAD paint job (midnight blue), no power windows/locks, broken door handles, broken center arm rest, etc....

  5. i love it too!

    they're only showing season 3(?) in Australia atm.

    they had both UK versions on here too.

    i loved in season one, when dwight went to help Michael after he burnt his foot on the George Foreman grill, and on the way out of the carpark, he crashes into the gate, gets concusion and throwsup on the back windscreen of the car!

    That actually occurs during season 2. But yes that was pretty damn hilarious, nontheless.

    the office is a great show! although, this season hasn't been as funny as the previous seasons and dwight shrute isn't as funny this season either.

    I feel like they are shying away form the main characters and developing kevin a little more, which I love. He's so funny...his voice, his mannerisms, everything. I really wish they'd bring karen back as a recurring character; I think she has maybe 1 or 2 episodes left.

  6. i fucking hate steve carell.



    hate him

    that being said, the US office is alright. the british one is amazing of course, and nothing the US version could do will ever match it, but the US one isn't garbage.

    steve carell is

    ^^ pos repped to get you out of the red

    I can see how you find him annoying. Kinda in a Jim Carrey kind of way? I remember when Jim Carrey was all over popular media and he went from being hilarious to uber-annoying. Especially whenever people would constantly quote Ace Ventura....the same thing happened with Will Ferrell. He's hilarious and all but his movie roles got to be real dull and inspired....

    I tried watching the british version a couple of times and I just couldn't get into it.

  7. the dvd player thing was absolutely incredible. one thing i do like about this season is that kevin is getting more lines to talk in teh talking head scenes. the whole pam and jim thing is a little annoying, but then again i'm in love with rashida jones.

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