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Posts posted by bye4now12

  1. oh yeah. and i cheat on you caucasians cus i am CHINEE. i hav nun dat azz bizniz.

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    175lbs and a 31" waist :eek: Your upper body is really hard to judge but are you jacked or what? Thats pretty heavy for a 5'9" person with a 31" waist (meaning you've got to be pretty muscular).

    btw I the fit on this is amazing, and the fading is beautiful. That was one of the pairs I saw that helped me order some 0500xx's.

  2. I'm thinking the samurai 710 and Flathead 3001 would be wayy to skinny for the larger people that have posted in this thread, unless their weight is mostly in their upper body, 3001's require pretty damn skinny legs.

  3. In regards to ^^those^^, they are a size 34, but they are huge in the waist on me and measure 36". That's one thing that seems to be something that people with larger legs/thighs have to deal with, wearing waists that are too big if they want the right fit.

  4. I'm in a similar situation as the OP, though I'm only 17 I'm 5'10", 180lbs, with a 34" measured waist and large thighs. I play sports year round and do a lot of heavy squats, and I'm not skinny by any standards. It made me happy to see the s0500xx's mentioned because I actually just pulled the trigger on some size 34's via a proxy on another message board.

    I've been in love with my Warehouse 660's (I've got the BiG ones, for the SuFu contest but they're all the same cut). The denim is amazing and I personally love the fit. Here's a waywt from a few days ago of me in them, I'll be sure to post how the s0500xx's fit when I get them in a week.


  5. And back to the jeans. What I wore today


    Same outfit, I just liked the picture


    Me outside (had on a jacket for this picture but took it off, it was a nice day out :D)


    Playing on the tree piece that they just left by our garage



    The tree left a hole in the garage roof so I had to climb up there and tape it up, it's supposed to rain tonight and we didn't want to deal with it right now (this picture is pre-tape)


    Some stuff the tree broke off on the garage, that piece on the left weighs more than 300 pounds, the workers tried to move it and couldn't.


    Me on the roof


    So thats the end of my novel, ignore all the writing if you want and just look at pictures. There was actually good sunlight today for me to take post-wash pictures, but I never want to take of the jeans and when I do it's to shower or workout. I'll get real post-wash pictures (like me not wearing them) later.

  6. During that the winds were huge and blew over a BIG tree in my backyard. I wasn't home but it fell over my backyard/patio and right outside of my window. First two are from my room and the last is from my kitchen, under my room.




    The tree from my driveway, look at the base of the broken piece and you can see the wires


    Looking back up at my room from my driveway


    From the base of the tree looking towards my house


    Because the end of the tree was resting on the wires we had to have DTE come and take care of it, so they came today and cut it up and took the big pieces, but left us with a lot to deal with. Here is the patio after it was removed, they moved all of our furniture etc to the grass.


    Damage to the balcony outside my window


  7. I've decided this thread needs more pictures. So here are a bunch of random from me over the past week and a half, some of which don't even relate to these jeans. I started November 13, 2007, so I'm at 135 days as of this post. Did 2 initial soaks, and since then I've done 3 more soaks (none with soap) throughout the time I've been wearing them to get out stains or shrink them back up a bit. I'm a senior in high school and I've got a dress code at school that excludes denim, so this is mostly nights and weekends, with some pretty uneventful nights. Anyways, here we go...

    I've been on spring break since 03/14/08, and I went to Florida for a week with my family saturday the 15th. We were in Clearwater/St. Petersburg Saturday to Wednesday, then we drove down to Naples until Sunday then drove back up for easter, and my dad and I flew back Monday afternoon because I have lacrosse this week.

    In the airport waiting for the plane.


    Walking around in a parking garage in Florida


    I had some nice sunlight in the car driving to Naples...




    Back home now, some really shitty pictures indoors, I've stopped putting my phone in my pocket because of the fade


    I've got my Corter regular snap wallet in my rear right pocket, I used a coach bi-fold for the first few months wearing these so that's the wear in my left pocket.


    Crotch starting to wear down


    What I wore the day of ^^^those^^^ pictures


    The next day (yesterday) I decided to wash them, used woolite dark, and used warm wash/cotton/normal soil/extra rinse settings, it took about 50 minutes, then hung dry overnight.


    More to come, thats the picture limit...

  8. Corter Regular snap wallet. I've had it since February 29, so 3 days short of a month. I've got some Mink Oil paste I used on the inside and outside once after a week of use, and then I just spent the last week in Florida so while there I tanned the outside 3 times for a couple of hours each, one of which I oiled right before tanning. So basically the outside has been tanned and the inside hasn't.







    The last picture gives the most accurate representation of the color of both the inside and outside.

  9. I'm about to pull the trigger on some Samurai's, I want the S0500XX ones, that are on BiG here...


    However, I'm going to order them via a Japan proxy because I want the arcs and tabs, and I'm wondering if the ones sold on 2nd are made with the same texas cotton as the ones BiG sells. There is only one pair that I could find in the 2nd shop in the 0500 cut, and they are these...

    Which are the ones I would order. My question is are the ones that I linked from 2nd made with the same texas cotton?

  10. i made mine for about $50 including the tools and hardware i needed, and a cheap belt buckle. 1 1/2" natural(un-dyed) leather. i would say it took me less than an hour to make. just found a simple design i liked and copied it. nothing fancy, i'd post a pick but it's not letting me attach the file.



  11. I've got a somewhat baggier pair and my crotch is going too, the denim is just starting to fray and the threads are coming undone.

    If it worth it to send them back to gordon at BiG? Anyone who has had BiG do a crotch repair how long did it take and how much did it cost? I'm considering sending them in because I had mine hemmed locally and I'd like to get a chain stitch back on them.

  12. Those are looking amazing, sir was ist los?. Seriously, I'm jealous.

    I want to catch up with everyone else too, I've been trying to wear mine and do physical activities in them. I'm in Florida right now and it's almost too hot to wear these, it's going to suck this summer, I'm working on the grounds crew at a school, same summer job I've had the past two years (only 17 year old ftl) and I'm planning on wearing them every day to work. Only thing is I can only wear them during the day because I'm sure they're going to stink every day.

  13. cross posted from the Warehouse Contest thread...

    My boring update. Ignore the gross shoes, I was working out before I took the pictures. They could be a bit more contrasty to make them more accurate, it was a bright day but cloudy, once I can get some pictures in the actual sunlight you'll be able to see the real contrast more. That and my shadow covers the right leg in the picture of the backside, my honeycombs are not that messed up and the right leg is not that much darker.

    Start date was November 13, 2007. I've done 3 hot soaks (which includes two at the beginning), and then put them in a washing machine on the "quick wash" setting but with no detergent twice. I should also add that I'm in High School at a school that has a dress code, so I can only wear them nights and weekends, at least until September when I go to college.



    Crotch is finally starting to give a bit, a few of the threads are going loose and the denim is beginning to fray. I'm sure after another few weeks they'll need to be repaired.


  14. My boring update. Ignore the gross shoes, I was working out before I took the pictures. They could be a bit more contrasty to make them more accurate, it was a bright day but cloudy, once I can get some pictures in the actual sunlight you'll be able to see the real contrast more. That and my shadow covers the right leg in the picture of the backside, my honeycombs are not that messed up and the right leg is not that much darker.

    Start date was November 13, 2007. I've done 3 hot soaks (which includes two at the beginning), and then put them in a washing machine on the "quick wash" setting but with no detergent twice. I should also add that I'm in High School at a school that has a dress code, so I can only wear them nights and weekends, at least until September when I go to college.



    Crotch is finally starting to give a bit, a few of the threads are going loose and the denim is beginning to fray. I'm sure after another few weeks they'll need to be repaired.


  15. First ever SuFu pic post...

    SC1947 purchased as unwashed, then hotsoaked prior to wearing. They have seen 2 more hot soaks since I got them in the beginning of December. Since I work in a damed cube farm, they only get worn nights and Fri-Sat-Sun. They're size 36 and I am somewhere between 35 and 36 true waist.

    I just got some new Vans (chukka boots baby). Cuffed or uncuffed?





    Go uncuffed and get them hemmed, those jeans (and anything with an opening >8.5") look terrible stacked.

  16. bye4now12' date=' I posted fit pics back on Page 133.

    datasupa, yours are fading quite beautifully![/quote']

    Oh, I didn't even look at who posted them, well they look great!

    Mine are currently in the washing machine. I'm not sure if I should consider this a wash or not, they've been getting pretty gross over the past few weeks between parties and being drunk and spilling food all over them. I put them in the washing machine on a "light soil" setting but I didn't put in any detergent or soap.

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