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Posts posted by BeerRun

  1. I was at work and there was this giant fucking white spider and I have no idea what kind of spider it was. Anyways I was trying to be humane and trap it between two paper plates and throw it over this fence outside, but it kept falling out and wouldn't cooperate. So I finally got annoyed and dropped it on the ground between the two paper plates and stomped it. It's fucking guts squirted out the side and I almost threw up. I had never encountered a spider so big it had THAT much guts in it.

    fuck spider karma, I've already been bitten twice and it almost killed me once. spiders can burn in hell

  2. when your girlfriend goes to another country and you don't hear from her in a month and then she randomly emails you saying "hey sorry my reply is late but its not working out i think we should break up"

    no shit we should break up i thought you were fucking dead

  3. ^^^^^ i have also woken up on some unknown person's couch before too

    I don't get blackout drunk much but when I do I just turn into a rambling idiot. On my 21st birthday we were driving back from the bars (we had a DD dont worry) and we were all singing verses in rappers delight, and when my part came up it went something like BLAGHABGHALGHALHGAAAGG.

    I also got really drunk and called this chick boobzilla once

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