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Posts posted by Raijin-Fujin

  1. i am still really confused about why you have such a vendetta with that thread to begin with. you want to talk about propaganda, take a look at the dior homme thread or the samurai thread or the flathead thread or the apc thread. you decisions about buying a $40 pair of jeans shouldn't be that much. a pair of $300 dior hommes? hell yes.

    But if anyone in those threads says something slightly negative or questions someones facts or opinions do their posts get deleted? He could have just replied to me in that thread... I'm only slightly perturbed about the whole wana be U***** selvage stuff but pissed that I should be deleted for asking a question and doubting something that was stated as a fact when it wasn't.

    Also you are right in that there is propaganda all over, my intent for this thread was not for it to be about THAT thread only but rather to talk about propaganda and various dubious information that is out there... which is why I added that second thing about indigo dyeing which still has nothing to do with what I was talking about in the U*** thread.. in hindsight I should not have put both of those in the same post but I was trying to explain that this thread wasn't just about... sigh....

  2. Gotta say the opening post here seems pretty stupid.

    Do actually have any evidence or any reason to believe anything bad about these Uniqlo jeans?

    Your whole post STRONGLY insinuates that something fishy is going on, yet you have no eividence. The rest of your post is just "not all cotton is the same cotton! not all dye is the same dye! not all thread is the same thread!!!" but unless you have any evidence that Uniqulo is using inferior dye or wool from a bad geographical area, why both whining about it?

    Because saying it is better than more expensive fabric without giving any real data on it is BS. I asked where the cotton or threads were done and my post was deleted. I never said there was anything bad about these jeans. I'm sure they are great jeans for that price. My insinuations were based on his. His quote about better than $200+ replica brands strongly insinuates they are better than those such brands that are talked about on this forum on a regular basis, i.e. Sugarcanes, Samurais et al..

  3. the phrase "similar fabric" does -not- mean "same fabric"

    It means it is comparable though. So show me a $200+ Raw Japanese denim that is of the same or lesser quality than U****. Simple and there is no name calling involved. I have some $160 14oz selvage fabric in front of me that I would put up against that U**** stuff any day.

  4. BULLSHIT. I read that post before it got deleted. You didn't ask shit. Instead, you went on a little rant about chemicals in indigo much like the third paragraph of this thread's original post, even though no one claimed that the uniqlo denim uses 100% natural indigo. Why bring up a discussion on the nature of indigo in general in the uniqlo denim thread if youre not referring specifically to uniqlo's denim?

    Sure, you didn't do any name-calling, but sometimes when a mawfucka is acting like a bitch, you gotta call him a bitch.


    I made no mention of natural indigo in the Uniqlo thread, I asked if they were indigo dyed or indigo + sulphar dyed you fuck tard. My mention of natural indigo was about all denim brands and how they label those things and was ONLY brought up in this thread. Lie about what I posted all you want but it doesn't change the truth. It is nice to see that bitches still roam in packs.

    Once again this thread is not only about U**** but about general misinformation.

  5. we deleted his post because his comment was immensely negative. he didnt simply ask questions, he cast aspersions on uniqlo and myself and continues to make allegations about me being paid by uniqlo, which are untrue.

    you deserve to be called names, because youre acting like a whiny tool.

    Better that than uninformed corporate boy toy, and a liar. Show me on any, any official Uniqlo press release where they claim their denim to be as good as $200+ replica jeans.. My 'aspersions' were only cast on you cause I'm pretty sure you are talking out of your ass and are completely out of your depth on the subject. I have said many good things about Unilqo and have been shopping there before this board even existed.

    You know what.. nevermind, you just go back to your thread and we can move on to another topic. But I do hope that the next time I attend Coterie (not going this season) we can met up and you can call me a lily-livered cunt to my face. Sound ok?

  6. Just to be clear my post questioned his statement about the fabric being as good as $200+ premium denim, I stated that it was my opinion that they probably used a lesser quality cotton/thread to get that price. I then asked how they were dyed and if sulphur was used. I was not offensive nor did I personally insult anyone. My post was deleted and I was told basically to fuck off and not say anything that would question the integrity of the mighty onemancunt. Who, in my opinion, was spreadiing disinformation and that I didn't think it mattered if the thread was a sticky or not. Perhaps the thread needs to be labeled "paid for by Uniqlo" like other sponsored threads.

  7. i love how you fucking backtrack and say that the indigo comment wasnt about

    uniqlo when you said it in the deleted post and brought it up in private. you're a

    goddamned lily-livered cunt.

    no one thinks their jeans are on par with sugarcane, i never said they were,

    youre the only person on this entire board who feels the need to swoop in out

    of nowhere and whinge like a baby.

    I didn't back track anything and I never resorted to name calling fan-boy but.... I asked how they were dyed and if sulpur was used, but you deleted that whole post so don't come back in here and say I said different. As for lily-livered... big man and big words from behind a keyboard, typical lacky boy fanfare. I hope they pay you enough to pay for all the tums you must need after coughing up all that bile.

  8. this is ridiculous. this is fucking ridiculous.

    no one made claims regarding Uniqlo's jeans being better than Samurai etc.-

    no one made claims that these jeans use 100% indigo, thanks for pulling that

    completely out of your ass.

    Uniqlo uses a good quality, non-sulphur,

    chem. indigo and even their basic one-wash jeans are rope-dyed.

    you seem to have a personal vendetta against this brand, and it is totally and utterly petty and stupid for you to cause problems like this.

    if there is anyone else out there who thinks that anything that i've said in the other thread has come across as dishonest or -wtf?- propaganda, please do feel free to voice it here. but yeah, don't expect it to last, sorry.

    Perhaps you need reading glasses sparky, I said the indigo stuff has nothing to do with your thread, read it again. As for:

    no one made claims regarding Uniqlo's jeans being better than Samurai etc.-

    if there is anyone else out there who thinks that anything that i've said in the other thread has come across as dishonest or -wtf?- propaganda, please do feel free to voice it here. but yeah, don't expect it to last, sorry.

    And I quote again...

    better than many denim lines that cost three times the price of a pair of UNIQLO jeans. replica denim houses who use similar fabric price

    their jeans at $200+..

    That would include canes, samurai, eternal, ironheart, PRPS blah blah blah so yeah you infer the shit out of it.

  9. you need to chill out. if you like it buy it, if not don't. no need to hate on a pair of jeans. i feel the same way about several "heavy hitters" of brands on this board, but its your money at the end of the day

    btw, i don't think anyone confused the uniqlos with natural indigo versions.

    I'm not hating on them, I think they make a fine product for what it is and for that price. I don't like having my questions and opinions deleted from a thread because I'm not touting the fan boy line.

    Does anyone here think their denim is = Samurai, Sugarcane etc etc?

    If someone wants something under $100 they can't go wrong with those but.....

    BTW the indigo comment wasn't about U***** stuff but rather a general misrepresentation that alot of brands do.

  10. Since it seems I cannot post my opinions about certain nameless giant target-like Japanese brands in it's own thread as that would be dissension against the powers that be, I'll just post some thoughts here. Feel free to rage against the machine all you like here... or perhaps this thread will be short lived and deleted like my posts.

    First thing I'd like to issue with. U*****'s new selvage denim. Like any good company they are gonna tell how great their stuff is and leave out anything that makes it look bad. Somebody here at SuFu has been fed (and who knows, maybe even paid) to brag about how they are offering $200+ premium type denim for $40. Cow pucky. Buy it, wear it and compare it. Mother cotton is all fine and dandy but what cotton? Zimbawe or China? It does make a difference as many of the Samurai crowd like to afirm the good qualities of Texas cotton. They say it will hold indigo and make for good fading... are they even using indigo??? How much of the dyeing process is sulphur based? They say mother cotton is stronger... stronger than what? Is it a long or short fibre cotton? Oh yeah and about the cotton stitching using supima cotton (whoopee), I'd bet some money that they are not using full cotton stitching but rather cotton-poly blended thread instead.. but saying it the other way makes it sound better.

    Another random comment.. indigo is not indigo in the way many people think. Be careful when someone tells you this is 100% indigo, they just mean an indigo color dye was used and did not add a sulphur dye to darken the color. There is nothing wrong with this and it looks great and most good jeans are made that way but it is not the same as natural indigo (which doesn't always look as good as the fake stuff). Some companies also say we use natural indigo, once again misleading because they mean some natural indigo is mixed into the dye. The reason I mention this is because there a few companies out there that do use real indigo and even 100% real (real = natural) indigo. All of the Kaso Some stuff you see is hand dyed in natural indigo and Samurai and I think Oni has done rope dyed natural indigo as well.

    Ok... others please feel free to rant about other or the above things you have seem that come off as being a bit dishonest and or propaganda like.

    I've started a timer.. we'll see how long this thread lasts..

  11. Uniqlo uses Kaihara. You can find better quality, but you will nowhere find similar denim for that price. Other brands that use same or similar Kaihara would never sell the pair under US$ 129 or $149. Impressive to me!

    Kaihara has a lot of very good quality denim but I am pretty sure these are a special made denim just for Uniqlo. I'd bet these use much cheaper threads/cotton than standard kaihara fare and being that these are made in a lot of 100,000+ most likely, allows them to offer them at this price, that and being sewn in China.

  12. this is my first order and im having some trouble on superrag. the guide doesnt match the page so can someone explain what these terms mean>?

    each have the option to be checked...





    Those are mostly domestic options I believe...

    1. Pelican Delivery service (basically a domestic parcel post company)

    2. 7-11 payment (pay for them at a local 7-11.. also only within Japan)

    3. COD (cash on delivery)

    4. Bank Transfer

    So the first is a delivery thing, the others payment options.

  13. I actually am using that same Dior fabric. It is from Japan and it is indeed a poly coating that is done when the fabric is made. This particular type is a new method. It will wear off with time and it will also wash off if you are not careful. Generally speaking it will just gently fade into the fabric with the gloss becoming less and less over time. There is nothing you could buy or do to your jeans that would achieve the same effect.

  14. I think that Levis has a fairly strong case for the arcs and tabs as they constitute a logo of sorts. As for cuts/fits, I'm not sure they can do much about it, that is not to say a pattern cannot be copywrited/trademarked as Gap has in fact filed patents for its jean patterns. As far as I know Levis never filed a patent on those vintage cuts and I don't think you can go back a file retro-active one now that other prior arts exist (prior to the patent filing not the originals). I'm not a lawyer or even close but just my thought on it.

  15. No error there.. just your generic automated Rakuten reply email, showing what you ordered, how much, payment method etc... it says in general, things like *if there is a problem contact the store directly.. maybe that is what you are picking up on in the google transmutation of this??

  16. nope... a factory in NY where ralph lauren and marc jacobs have thier real high end stuff made. i know the guy who runs it.

    What I meant was that labor costs for the big factories here in L.A. (true religon, armani, 7 etc etc) are most likely cheaper than labor costs in Japan. I have been there as well as ones in Japan (Hiroshima/Okayama).

  17. If I was a major Levis Stockholder (which of course I am not... and I believe it is still a privately held company anyways) my next step after getting all these companies to stop with arcs and tabs would be to start offering licenses to them.. $.25 a shot for doing nothing, Levis would rake in some major easy cash... and it's not like these high end brands really affect Levis' bottom line... just a thought..

  18. well... the factory would be right in the center of Manhattan... so i think labor would be higher.

    L.A. ... downtown L.A..... where most of America's premium jeans are made..

  19. That's cause they are sanforized...that the weave of the Evisu's appears to be tighter...And anyways , I don't think the tightness of the weave has got anyting to do with the actual quality of the denim...

    I don't think that it is the sanforizing that is making it that different. You are talking about a 5%~10% difference there.. it could simply be a tighter weave, as for quality, all things factor into the quality. If you don't think the weave matters or the weight (the Sams are a much higher oz no?) then you are talking about thread quality, type of cotton and dye only then. Ever seen Heddie Lovu's? The quality on those then should then easily be better than Sams..

    Fact is alot is prefence, tight weave vs loose weave, hard vs soft denim, long slubby threads or not. Hard to which is better but easy to say which you may prefer.

  20. The new Samurai AI-N is definitely pure indigo, no chemicals or anything... and yes they are rope dyed.

    Um.. and how do you know this? It doesn't say so anywhere on the Samurai site. Do you know who makes their fabric or what dye house is used?? I'm not saying there are not, I'd just like to know myself. (the purity of the dye that is, not that they are rope dyed which i know they are)

  21. read my whole post before responding...i have never said anything cosigning wearing jeans until filthy, or stinky. plus, how can you offer an opinion about what you "think" i can discern the difference between? nor did i make any statement about the majority or minority being correct by default in any matter. i think stinky denim and pre-washed are both innappropriate. i just explained how i wash my jeans, then westside asks me if i ever wash them. fyi, vcu(and monroe park) are closer to the west end. churchill is in the east.

    I read the whole post.. perhaps you should read mine? Did I say you wear stinky jeans?? Once in 3 weeks is still far far far longer than the average consumer would go. You said and again here that all washed jeans are inappropraite, I say I doubt you could tell the difference when done right. Are you saying that how they look doesn't matter but rather how they got to look that way is more important?? Nevermind... somebody else areadly mentioned regretting posting in this thread and now I see why. You simply say that something is wrong or inappropriate but have no valid reasoning behind it. Most people would say, 'I don't like "such and such"' or 'not a style I care for' instead.

    As for my opinion of what you can discern? Well it is more about what most anyone could not discern, i.e. to tell the difference between real wear and pre-washed wear when done well (at a glance or via a picture in any case).

    B y e

  22. actually, someone mentioned that i was trying, to out-vocab them, so i responded. the same person also(incorrectly) made an uninformed comment about my assumed lack of "friends" or inadequate socialization. by the way, a lot of "open-minded" people are quite opinionated, depending on the topic of discussion. church hill is the locale. so westside, you can catch me(if you can) in the eastside. and yes, all(all washes are retarded, imho(the h stands for honest)

    All washes are not retarded, only people who make general statements using "all" in them are. I could show you pics of Raw worn denim and washed denim (done well) and I doubt you could tell the difference unless you already knew the model to begin with. You could, arguably, find more people who think wearing Raw jeans until dirty and stinky to achieve a 'vintage look' (that is not a true vintage look to begin with) is more retarded then buying washed denim. Doesn't make them right to be in the majority nor does it make you right to be in the minority.

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