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Posts posted by Raijin-Fujin

  1. what does that mean?

    It means that the stiching that you see uses size 6 thread and the threads on the inside that hold the jeans together are size 0.

    As mentioned already the smaller the number the larger the thread. A special machine is needed to do 0 thread sewing which is why you don't see it often. The largest standard thread you will see is 6, most jeans use 8.

  2. actually this brand looks really cool.


    from what google translate tells me, they make jeans with a 17oz denim, and use 0 size thread so the stitching looks nice and thick ( well it is ). Also they make a black denim that is rope dyed ( i think.. ) and is designed to fade.

    However warp is firmly rope staining for the charity,

    Steady sharp fall fashion is fun


    If they make this in the TA70002 cut then i bet someone may be tempted to take the plunge ( but then no one has posted the black somets slims yet...). They also say the indigo denim is supposed to fall vertically. It does appear like structure denim does.

    nice find chan..

    Stiching is not 0 size but rather size 6. It says contruction threads are 0 sized. Just a clarification for you.

  3. Let's not forget that high-waist denim was to make a come back this year as well (mostly in ladies denim), and while some brands have done a few high-waist models (I even saw a small label that did high-waist exclusively at D&A LA) it really has not caught on much and certainly has not replaced low-waist as the trend so acid wash may go the same way.

  4. ^^ I'm scared to respond to your posts. You frighten me.


    edit - nevermind...you recanted. You still scare me though.

    Pussy cats scare me too then.

    I think they look pretty nice...but pictures are never the same as in person.

    Here kitty kitty....


  5. ^^ I'm scared to respond to your posts. You frighten me.

    edit - nevermind...you recanted. You still scare me though.

    Moi??? I'm just a big pussy cat..... :eek:

    I didn't per se recant but I found the Japanese page and got some clarification is all.. they seem quite light in color compared to most naturals which is an interesting alternative and about as cheap as you could go for natural rope dyed indigo.

  6. My size 30 710's rise is 11" (exactly 27.5cm).

    Are you measuring from above or below the belt line? Factory specs usually measure from below the belt line but I'm not sure about how marketing/press measure...

  7. I was actually there a few days ago, I wanted to go into the place but the doors were closed and what I could see looked like an office so I figured it wasn't really a shop per se and didn't bother to knock.. too bad, next time I head up to Abott I will definately check it out.

  8. Are Iron Hearts made from Kaihara's 21oz denim?

    I'm pretty sure they are Kuroki and not Kaihara, I'd not heard of a Kaihara 21oz. (I could be mistaken Ringring usually knows his stuff) Iron Hearts denim isn't even their denim really, they took it from another jeans maker, Yoroi jeans (done through Toyoshima). I know the guy that developed the first 21oz pair for production (In fact I even own a pair of the original 21 oz Yoroi jeans). When they shut the project down they basically let Iron Hearts continue with their fabric.

  9. damn, they doubled the price compared to asia. It's still a good deal,though.

    Hopefully they fade decently

    Not really doubled, at 4,999 yen and remember they pay near to no import tax from China since the fabric originates in Japan. Shipping to the U.S. would be at least 3x as much and add on 15% for tariffs plus they always tack on 10-15% for a variable exchange rate. But yeah they should come in around $65 but I guess they got some other overhead or they just need to make up for slacking sales...??

  10. What's so special about the S0310? 15oz Texas cotton that has been very tightly woven and something about the 6th thread being something something (babel fish - go figure). Looks like this and the re-release of the S510XX 19oz is the last models Samurai are going to make with the arcs and tabs.

    the measurements don't really fit the pic. From the measurements they give, the S310 is more thicker in the thigh than the 510?

    Basically it says they made this with pure Texas cotton instead of a blend and took some shorter fibers and mixed those in to create a more uneven texture to the threads (slub). The are using 6 x 6 for warp and weft.

    I gotta say they are really really weaving this one tight (they even say they pushed the limit as to how tight the loom could weave a thread). Most 6 x 6 fabric would usually weigh in at around 13~13.5 oz. Though they do kinda suggest this fabric may actually be just a hair under 15oz.

  11. I don't have any problems with SuFu making money. Please note that in my original deleted post I didn't badmouth Uniqlo and I didn't use a single expletive until after I was called a "lily-livered cunt". I was raging against the PR speak and basically didn't buy the stuff that OMC was saying which most people have since learned was pretty much wrong. I was probably a bit agressive about it but certainly not abusive or obscene, unlike the responses and deletion that followed. Also let's be clear, I posted this on the first day when there was no banner and no contest and the thread just looked like a info thread (although it was stickied).

    I've certainly garnered more attention than was my intention but thanks to many of you who have given me supportive comments and pms.

    I still think it would be nice for people to use this thread to talk about other kinds of misinformation about denim, brands etc., other then the one I started with.

  12. weird situation:

    i have ordered from 2nd in the past. no problems. i tried ordering from them again today and i get some sort of denial message. any help would be appreciated.


    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????---------------------------------------------------------------------??????????????????? ???? 2ND??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????---------------------------------------------------------------------

    There's a part about my credit card info, but beyond that it's very hard to make out even with google translations.

    It says that your credit card didn't go through, no exact reason was stated why, just that they were not able to charge it.....

  13. Really? I'm half japanese so I spent 4 years of my early life there and a lot of my clothes are from both. I haven't check up on them the last time I went but I can't imagine they "failed miserably". Hell, I have both Uniqlo and Gap jeans.

    I remember when Gap came to Japan and launched a big add campaign. Two years later they were still above water but the fanfare was gone and sales dropped off. They are maintaining only because they are not a Japanese brand and that is still a plus in Japan. But their expansion haulted and they may have even closed a few stores, I have not really paid much attention to them these last couple years but they have pretty much dropped below the radar while at the same time Uniqlo has still managed to grow. They did a big fleece campaign a few years ago that was popular then cashmere and I guess denim is their next big push. "failed miserably" is relative I suppose but I meant it compared to what they thought they were going to do or in comparison to Uniqlo.

  14. Well analogy or not I just think the quality is not on a par with true premium products that are out there, especially in regards to fabric. I agree with goldengloves that they have an excellent price/quality ratio (but they don't fit well on me at all) but I've also had more than 10 years of seeing their products and denim living in Japan and they truly do not compete against the higher Japanese brands. Yanai has done a great job of turning the company around, twice, and I'm sure they we do well here in that same low-end market. (and while my wife knows Yanai I have absoutely no connection with the company at all but maybe I should ask him to pay me to help promote Uniqlo here, I could use the $$)

  15. Well obviously things got a bit out of hand but this is an open forum for denim people and maybe some people will agree with me or not, that's all fine and good. I've said things that turned out to be incorrect later, we all make mistakes but censoring someone when they catch you overstepping just sucks. Hype is all fine and dandy but the internet is interactive so you should expect, and allow, that some people we respond in an unfavorable way.

    As for the car analogy thing, I'll stand by what I said. APC's are cheaper so people wear them you say, ok fine, people looking for bargains and bang for the buck are certainly going to be attracted to these $40 puppies but then again you are talking about the low-end of the premium market. I don't think Dior is terribly worried, people looking at a Lexus may take a gander at Hyundai but I still don't see the Benz crowd taking a test drive in one. (Personally I think APC is a better product for it's style) Remember that Uniqlo's #1 competitor is Gap, Gap tried to go to Japan and deal out to Uniqlo and failed miserably, now Uniqlo is going to return the favor.

  16. So, in fact, you were the poster with a vested interest here. Somehow I'm not surrpised.

    Looking at the new SuFu banner up top, I'd say someone else has more of a vested interest. These jeans really don't affect what I do as they are not in the same class. Just because Kia comes out with a nice new car, it doesn't mean that Mercedes is going to lose sales.

  17. Heard and understood.. I've didn't mean for this to get all explosive but when my post got deleted it pushed a button. Ringring basically said the exact same thing as me but with more tact and it was better recieved.

    As someone who makes $200+ Japanese selvage denim it kinda bothered me that these were being offered up as being basically the same. Ringring also noted that these are not up to that level though I'm sure they are better than many in the $100 area. I'll say what I have said 3 times already I'm sure these are great jeans for the price and probably the best in their class. But there is a line that I think was crossed in overblowing these. Not unlike the whole 12mm selvage thing as well.. noboby will know this but I sent a pm to oneman telling him that 12mm vs 20mm doesn't make a difference in how difficult they are to make and onemans explanatiion on that was also corrected by Ringring but once again recieved far better than if I said it directly in the thread... misinformation again that bugged me. I shall try to be more level headed in the future and not come off as a know it all, as I certainly don't. I've learned alot on this board and hope to continue to do so.

  18. Vermin, please... Don't even try making your post in the uniqlo thread seem like an innocent question. You didn't ask shit. You had an agenda from the get and your post in the uniqlo thread was clearly meant to belittle the denim by implying the indigo they used is crap. So please stop that whole this-comment-about-indigo-refers-to-all-brands-in-general bullshit. It's pathetic.

    I've actually made the remark about indigo dyeing before in the Samurai thread, go look it up. You can believe what you want.

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