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Posts posted by superhero

  1. tell me about it! i'm 6'2" but only 155lbs. shirtsizing is a bitch for me cause it either fits body-wise or length-wise. but yeah, you're right, 110 bucks for a natural indigo selvage shirt is quite a bargain!

    if it fits you well (hopefully not :D) post some fit pics!

    Haha will definitely post fit pics!

  2. shit, if anybody ordered the kmw selvage chambray and it doesn't fit right, pm me! i need size m or l.

    hey i'll let you know first - i'm a size M to L depending on the brand, coz i'm on the tall side 6'2" but only 180lbs

    I'll probably put on another 10lbs by the end of jan and it might not fit anymore... but damn this shirt is cool - Selvage AND Natural Indigo?!??!?

  3. nice! always wondered what the corpus denim looked like after some wear, don't see too many pairs floating around on here

    Yeah theyre not too popular now, I think they were a bit better style wise a few years ago, a promising brand with alot of potential - they're not so great anymore and their items are produced in china now. They don't make any selvage or cool stuff like that anymore now. + rep to me for giving them a go but not working out.

  4. These i purchased close to 8 months ago and they are in regular rotation with my other shoes, i think i wear them around 3 days a week.

    fresh out of the box


    after 2 weeks


    ...and how they look now




    Damn Mitch these are just beautiful? Can you tell me a bit about where you got them and how much?

  5. I guess I was lucky that I my first pair of LVC fit perfectly!

    After reading the last coupla pages though I can see why buying LVC is so difficult, with the change of factory etc, not to mention the different cuts are not consistent either. I do hope LVC sort it out before i buy my next pair!

    Also how does the quality of LVC compare with brands such as SC and warehouse...?

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