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Posts posted by FUCK

  1. FUCK, everything about that picture is a mess. I remember seeing those evisu in the look book and just scratching my head.

    I bought them online on a whim without seeing any fit pics. they were about 5 sizes too big and baggier than a pair of UFO pants. Cut up the center about an inch from each side of the inseam, sewed back up, hot rinse, hung dry and fit pretty well. Just didn't feel like returning them :-\

  2. OH good one, seriously:

    Drank sparks/oe/more oe. Went to grab food, more sparks. Woke up in the morning with my friends dad smiling and laughing his ass off. "Have a fun night last night?" "Yeah drank you know" i had no clue what he was hinting at. Proceeded to tell me i climbed into his bed and started snuggling with him and his wife, meanwhile its his birthday. Wakes up, takes me to another room where i unveil another 40, open in and pour it out all over my friends clothes with him watching and laughing. Fall asleep in the malt liquored clothing, wake up completely oblivious and later on in the day, thoroughly embarassed.

  3. Stone Russian Imperial Stout FTW

    Yes seriously. I cellared a bottle from last season, looking forward to drinking it once it gets a little cooler.

    trying lots of oktoberfest/pumpkin ales.

    had dogfish head punkin this weekend and was mildly dissapointed. Paying 9$ for 4 mediocre pumpkin ales is not worth it when you can get 6 better for the same price or cheaper :-/

  4. This is my first black out ever, it was a blast.


    Beverage: Crystal Palace Vodka

    Place: Christmas Ball

    Info: When i was in high school there was a ball that happend th 26th of december for "outstanding students of the community" called the christmas ball. At the time i was having a rough time with my girlfriend and decided that getting drunk would be the best way to "prove her wrong". Long story short i drank about 2/3's of a handle of crystal palace in 30 minutes. Wake up 12 hours later hooked up intravenously, catheter, and very confused. Wound up having a .68 and being very lucky.

    Another time:

    Age: 20

    Drink: Jameson, white wine, steel reserve

    Place: Friends Apartment in Albany

    Info: Drank and drank and drank, stopped to talk to a girl, talked and talked and talked got handed and begged to drink some more, did. Attempted to jump over the railing on a porch, caught my foot flipped halfway, landed on my head. Don't remember attempting the jump or after. Long story short: woke up in hospital hooked up, thankfully no catheter this time, but just in time to be concious for the 25 staples they put in my head. I actually lost a nice sweater because they had to cut it off for whatever reason, damn.

    Lots more foolish stories but those are the most "serious". Maybe i'll type out a funnier one later.

  5. i've enjoyed everything i've read by him. haven't gotten around to after dark simply because my reading list is too large, but i've heard both both praise and criticism, either way i'll decide for myself. Nowegian wood and sputnik sweet hearts are both short and i feel get overlooked, both are great. Although i have to say hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world is probably his best. The way he's able to blur the lines between reality and this dream world is really quite masterful. Really reminded me of turning points in my life that have happend or yet to be. I'd say any of those three would be his most accessible for the begining murakami. As for his short stories, I've only read some from literary magazines and Blind Willow Sleeping Womam collection (which i though was excellent!), some of the stories are sections form his larger works, which could be a good way to get started, either way i'd recommend it.

  6. jest.jpg

    started this today. First 40 pages and it's already as ridiculous as i had expected. Does an excellent job of portraying disfunctional familes/people in a very unique way. the multi narraration and back notes will be a bitch but overall its already got me hooked.

    which translation of c&p is everyone reading? I'd strongly recommend the Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky translations, makesa world of difference in some parts.

  7. haha thanks. makes me wonder what their large fits like now... probably not my kind of large :(

    Yeah they have a sizing chart, don't think its that accurate. i'd email them forst if you want to order something. they'll get back to you within 48 hours. good luck.

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