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Posts posted by esteliv

  1. apparently not.. but yeah my story is just to soothe you a little man :)

    I ended up with nothing except paying double international shipping when I escalated the case as a claim.

    but u still have the belt :)

    sorry it did not soothe me one bit.

    what u r tryin to say is ' get over it , much people had it much worser than u '

    dosent it equate to ' there are accidents everywhere, u are lucky u lost a limb, some even got paralysed and lost more than one limb.'

    of cos the above example is more exaggerated, but u get the point. isnt it better to raise awareness, so as to deter more of these scumbags from scamming ? it'll make them think twice and i think its a good start.

    like i said, i've already tried to settle this as politely as i could, i asked for the box, offered to drive down, tried to settle this between pms and he blew it by ignoring all of them..

  2. guys, i did not initially raise this issue because of the obscene shipping he charged me for local shipping.

    i only got suspicious after i did a lil investigation on his previous posts, which i have mention, coldturkey himself questioning the authenticity of the belt. which is why it has come to this point.

    i have bosmaury and few people including some online retailers that showed me pictures with the ' dior ' stamped on it. it is only logical i suspect it. however, only randr and zomnia is the only people to vouch for the belt, since they have first hand experience, i would like to trust them .

    moreever, i am very angry with the fact that, he denied that he shipped the whole purchase with the box we agreed on, from overseas.

    having said all theses, does that means its okay with u guys, in my case, that we agreed that it will include a box, and what u receive is missing a box. its kinda fucked up but i have my reasons for wanting that box.

  3. DSC_0733.jpg

    ' made in italy '



    ' 0077 90/105 '


    the belt itself.



    here are some pics, theres the ' dior homme ' on the buckle, however it is quite faint. i tried very hard to capture it but my camera cant seem to focus on it, i think its too small. likewise for the ' made in italy ' as it can be seen on the pictures. the ' 0077 90/105 ' is deeper. if theres any comments like bad lightning/bad angle, i would be very glad to meet up afew to show u in person.

    then again. just wondering. what happens if its genuine/counterfeit ?

    genuine = count myself lucky compared to other scammed users , and tolerate the fact that he scammed me off shipping and the box that we agreed on, and also avoiding the issue that hes from sydney ?


    fake = refund me the whole amt + shipping to his place upon receiving it ?

  4. u know what would be a good summary ?

    i did not lowball, couldnt careless about saving on 5usd, i felt bad that i was indecisive so i decided to get from you, knowing u are charging quite an expensive amt for a belt for shipping, i just dont want to state it out.

    it wouldnt have been like this, if in the first place u shipped to me with everything included as we agreed. that was until, u keep insisting it is shipped from sydney. why are u avoiding it now ? besides, i offered to drive down thinking u would have forgotten about it. everything is in the form of pictorial proof unless u proof otherwise.

    if u think i am threatening you, so be it, u have my address, come look for me. unless u are willing to give me yours which is very unlikely. i'll be waiting though.

  5. lol i just have to comment on the extra mile u went to search all this shit to show the guy is local. rather Singaporean indeed.

    But hey man u gotta chill. If you've got scammed, u've got scammed. And honestly u didnt get it too bad. at least u got ur belt. have u anyidea how many people on this forum got scammed receiving nothing before? U got scammed for 35 usd, k get over it. The white box is nothing, unless u plan to resell it, but hey, u may really want it.

    If the package is tracked, u have the senders address. go find him and settle this on u ur own. Not taking any sides here, and ColdTurkey may be a douche for fucking u over, but ur sense of paranoia is quite remarkable.

    oh, and i dont know who coldturkey is. but if it is true, it is indeed quite sad to be scammed by a fellow local.

    i dont know whether to commend him or what, but using a paper package bought from singpost itself is just plain dumb, however hes smart to leave out the sender's address. i cant believe what would have happened if it was mishandled. it could have been lost. i am considering to lodge a police report soon, most probably they will track the a-hole down.

  6. thanks for the update, i would like zomnia and randr to help assist in the form of pictures as well, so far i've only seen embossed ones, of cos except the one that i received.

    it just didnt make sense to me that dior took the trouble to emboss '' made in italy 0077 95/105 '' and miss out on the ' dior ' ?besides its really faint.

    then again, it might be a mistake on dior's part however it would be good if theres pictures and owners of the belt to come assist.

  7. i know i got scammed, the least i could do is to expose him and thats what i am trying to do ?

    like i said, what really got to me was, if u guys really looked thru the pms, i tried to solve this really diplomatically as i could, even offering to DRIVE DOWN even though he scammed me off the 35us which i did not expose him at all in the first place that u guys see so little of.

    its not about the money he scammed me of, but.. the kind gesture to at least inform me he is from singapore, and if he is, he could have just told me and let me collect the box from him if he left it out.

    and yes, ' the white box is nothing ', if it really is nothing to me, i wouldnt have asked for it ? when i buy my stuffs, i make sure they have everything as of purchased, tags box and dustbag, and since we agreed on everything, if ur expectation is higher, what u received is lower than ur expectation, of cos u would feel angry ? the $3 sgd stamp is like an extra bonus man.

  8. asking $35 for shipping seems quite steep without even knowing where to ship to. sounds like you were just trying to compensate because you felt $250 was low. none of my business or anything, of course

    and yes, this as well. 35 for a shoes or jacket w/e seems fine or places that do not do 7-14 days shipping. but for a belt ? and without the box ? Come on man. and again , did i pay EMS ? wow, reached me within a day. shld i commend u for the fast postage ? :mad:

  9. guys,

    please try to comprehend my hereby sentence. again, look carefully at the pms and u would have see i did not lowball him. we agreed on a price of 290 shipped, which means INCLUDING SHIPPING. after that, i missed out on CUTUP's 95 which costs 200, so i thought wow im getting ripped, so i thought i make a very proper apology, nevertheless i felt bad, but then again, the final price was 285 US SHIPPED which again is a difference of 5 USD. u think i would go that far for 5us difference? i cant believe, even with pictorial proofs, ppl can accuse me of lowballing ? open ur eyeeeeeeeees.

    and please check the PMs again, i said shipped to singapore, unless he's dumb or retarded, he should not claim ' he did not know; or did not coerce ' or any of that bullshit. all these claims just make ur look dumber. please dont slap urself in the face here.

    im asking for a fullrefund bcos its not what is described, he said it will come with full box. now its just a paper package with the shitty dustbag.

  10. sorry another post. just thought i would do a proper one.

    user : ColdTurkey ( take a look at his last login )

    paypal : [email protected]

    first let me introduce this fucking bastard.


    our exchange of pms. as u can see, i did say we agree on 290 shipped, after that i feel that i missed out on a 200usd one, i decided this was expensive, nevertheless i bought it at 285 still. just a mere 5us, i wasnt trying to flake him at all.



    proof that it may be fake, since he can lie to me his location. http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x221/esteliv/untitled13.jpg




    false claims that he is from sydney just to earn 35usd for shipping. look at the date of his posting.






  11. alright i tried to search on how to raise awareness for scammers and found some similar threads so here goes. this guy got a pretty good rep so.. im really prepared to get flamed by his buddies here. but please take a look at the proofs and try to understand for once.

    username : ColdTurkey

    bought a dior double wrap belt in size 90 from him. after confirming that he has the tags,box and auth card, we negotiated to a price of 250us, which he then quoted 35us shipped to singapore. so i paid him 285, seeing his rep is quite high, i decided to do my first ' personal ' payment( pls try not to comment on this, i had enough of scolding :(). never did i know, my first would be my last, i hereby urge everyone not to save on the 4%, just take it as an insurance.

    he said it would cost 35us, take a week to reach me, all in the context that the item is from overseas. never did i know, the most ridiculous thing happened.. i received a local package, all soft and shit, nothing that look like boxed or bubble wrap. just the belt in the dustbag(no box that we agreed on), inside that fragile looking paper package. what really got me was the ' $3SGD ' stamp on the package, which indirectly screams ' YOU GOT OWNED BIATCH '. i then took the trouble to visit the local post office, and got them tracked, as expected, its posted in singapore. Mike Lowrey was nice to tell me that all his IP is from singapore as well.

    i quickly took out the belt, and suspected its authenticity. theres no ' dior ' embossed on the belt. since he can lie about his location, why not the belt ? a quick check from his previous posts, shows that he's questioning the authenticity of his belt, but haven gotten any confirmation of any sort. Is it ethical when u dont know whether it is authentic and then proceed to post it here ?

    he's been ignoring my pms ever since. if anyone here feels me, please tell me what else i can do.

  12. sorry another post. just thought i would do a proper one.

    user : ColdTurkey ( take a look at his last login )

    paypal : [email protected]

    first let me introduce this fucking bastard.


    our exchange of pms. as u can see, i did say we agree on 290 shipped, after that i feel that i missed out on a 200usd one, i decided this was expensive, nevertheless i bought it at 285 still. just a mere 5us, i wasnt trying to flake him at all.



    proof that it may be fake, since he can lie to me his location.





    false claims that he is from sydney just to earn 35usd for shipping. look at the date of his posting.






  13. username : ColdTurkey

    bought a dior double wrap belt in size 90 from him. after confirming that he has the tags,box and auth card, we negotiated to a price of 250us, which he then quoted 35us shipped to singapore. so i paid him 285, seeing his rep is quite high, i decided to do my first ' personal ' payment( pls try not to comment on this, i had enough of scolding :(). never did i know, my first would be my last, i hereby urge everyone not to save on the 4%, just take it as an insurance.

    he said it would cost 35us, take a week to reach me, all in the context that the item is from overseas. never did i know, the most ridiculous thing happened.. i received a local package, all soft and shit, nothing that look like boxed or bubble wrap. just the belt in the dustbag(no box that we agreed on), inside that fragile looking paper package. what really got me was the ' $3SGD ' stamp on the package, which indirectly screams ' YOU GOT OWNED BIATCH '. i then took the trouble to visit the local post office, and got them tracked, as expected, its posted in singapore. Mike Lowrey was nice to tell me that all his IP is from singapore as well.

    i quickly took out the belt, and suspected its authenticity. theres no ' dior ' embossed on the belt. since he can lie about his location, why not the belt ? a quick check from his previous posts, shows that he's questioning the authenticity of his belt, but haven gotten any confirmation of any sort. Is it ethical when u dont know whether it is authentic and then proceed to post it here ?

    he's been ignoring my pms ever since. if anyone here feels me, please tell me what else i can do.

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