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Posts posted by gonegonegone

  1. i've got a pair of 19cm mij and a 19cm mii.

    the 19cm mij fits very tight and i like that fit.

    but i also like the looser (but still not baggy) fit of the miis.

    can 21cm mijs and 19cm miis be compared or would the 21cm model look stupid on skinny legs? i tried a 21cm mii and i don't like them.

    can anyone who's got a 19cm mii and a 21cm mij please post pics of both. :)

  2. i have larger thights too (working out and so on...) so i guess i should stick with my size 31 mijs and i should try apcs first (size 30 sucked because of my thighs). my order will be a hit or miss, but i've heard that apc is pretty acommodating when it comes to change jeans that do not fit.

    a silly question, how can i measure my waist correctly?

  3. thank you for your fast answers!

    well, my diors are not that loose. they are 19cm mij and are tight. just around my waist, they are a bit loose. kind of hard to describe.

    here are three pics:




  4. just need a personal hint... i wear dior size 31... after some wearing they are a bit loose.... so probably i could wear size 30 too.

    what size of apcs should i buy?

  5. thanks for the fast answer.

    i would really like to order the black new standards.

    how are they compared to the cures or new cures or rescues.

    i'm totally lost. :o ^^

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