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please underestimate

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Posts posted by please underestimate

  1. so far in the history of diet pills, the tape worm pill (back in the stupid days or quacks and snake oils) is the only one to have actually let you eat anything you want and still allow you to lose weight.

    have to get me one of those.

  2. I didn't post that shit on this thread fuckker, you did. You fail to realize that you have been the instigator for all this shit. I got negged, I disagreed so I negged you back end of story.

    This shit is fucking stupid........

    the best thing to do is to keep your mouth shut, i learned this the hard way.

  3. well im still in high school so i obviously live under my parent's roof. they only pay for all the necessities such as housing, health insurance, and etc. as for expenses such as food, clothing, and whatever else i desire, i work as an usher at a nearby theatre. so i manage to have some extra money to spend.

  4. ahahh I can appreciate the fun in those really intense experiences, but watch yourself brother haha. but ooowhee, I love driving while rolling. Heaters on blast with some bass-y music. I don't condone DUIing but if you're alright enough to, then its like floating through heaven.

    i know what you mean man, i cruise around all the time when i come down.

  5. my favorite were those pink martini and blue ak, i was rolling so hard i couldnt breathe and right when i opened my car door i hit the floor. when my friend woke me up, and i found a big gash on the side of my face. they were hella bomb hahaha

  6. was kat williams doing those quotes? go to 1:25


    i cant smoke at all, as much as i want to. no matter what, i get noided and think fbi and cia is paying attention to everything i do. this even happens even if i smoke a little bit, the few instances that it hasnt happened was because it was medical club prescribed.

    dude i totally feel u man, thats why i quit blazing long time ago, i hated that paranoia feeling, and this is why i move on to ecstacy.

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