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please underestimate

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Posts posted by please underestimate

  1. -will not ship first

    -up to $10 shipping domestic, $25 international

    -add 4% for paypal fee

    -accept payment via paypal, money order, or concealed cash (at your own risk)

    -meet ups at socal at my time and location


    asking for $120.00USD

    no washes no soaks



    here's fit pics,

    for ref. im 6"0" 145lbs. and true to waist is 28



  2. and im sorry guys but we gonna push the handoff for another week, we need to find a place down the middle or something cause drivin over to where technique is is more of a bitch to me than him. fuck the 91E

  3. Like said, I will try my best. But I will post pictures for sure, unless I end up doing nothing for a whole month. I already have ideas of places and foods to be taken for your enjoyment.

    im down for a handoff, think u can come to me for it tomorrow?

  4. Asians have next level acne.



    And yes please underestimate Chinese have it bad. I'm Taiwanese, but my momma cooks both. :)/:(

    But since I been at college I eat lots of salad everyday, it's like so much easier to eat healthy if you don't have to prepare it.

    fuckkk, im taiwanese too and the food is SOO bomb. i gain ten pounds everytime i come back from there. the calamari, popcorn chicken, pastries, fish. hmmmmm.. fuck u panda, makin me miss all this

  5. To be honest clearasil never worked for me. I used that shit from costco, uhhh...I forgot what it's called but you guys know what I mean?

    Asians have mad acne. :(

    especially chinese, almost all of our food has LOTS AND LOTS of grease and msg. ehh

  6. and also it seems as if kelvyno has been inactive for days, so how bout we send the jeans off to the next person on the list who might contribute alot to this tour? dont want shit happenin like last time where someone had them for 2 months and didnt post anythin

  7. get some Clearasil up in this piece yo

    quit eatin so much greasy food. I agree, that shit is GOOD EATIN but damn man.

    no hate, just sad 4 u :(

    u talkin bout me or leatherseatbelt? but either way, im feelin u on the clearasil hahaha

  8. this is quite interesting, i would love to join the tour. for the schedule i see there is no opening until the 4th quarter of this year. and that's fine for me

    would somebody please pm me about this

    the tour is finished around summer man..

    and someone hit up kelvyno and tell him to send me his address.

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