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Posts posted by barcelona

  1. I too am in the midst of looking for a place with my girlfriend... the only thing I'm not looking forward to is not having disposable income...

    yeah i know eh...

    I spend all the money I make right now...and more...

    and i have NO bills to pay ...Like none...I dont even pay a cell phone bill.

  2. I'm thinking about moving out...I have a friend (not really a close friend...) whos looking for a new room mate by the end of the month.

    The location and price is good...

    I dunno though, I have a few days to think about it...I know I would have to buy a lot less clothes and other random shit...I think I could handle it though if I control my spending enough.

    I just wanna hear any stories, advice, anything you guys have to offer... When did you move out? etc.

  3. hah

    i lost the pick already

    not even a day of wearing them.

    went out for a coffee with a friend, noticed it was gone when i came back.

    oh well..

  4. Just got my grey joey colordrives in the mail...size 28.

    I have no trouble zipping and buttoning, but the thighs are skin tight.

    I have cheap monday tight od black in 30 waist but the overall fit is similar to these a77's....just the legs are a bit tighter on these.

    I've got a feeling these will stretch out and become a little comfier fit in the thighs though and hopefully a bit in the waist so i can wear them a bit lower, comfortably.

    I definately could have sized up to a 29 in these though probably still without wearing a belt. 30 wouldnt be too big either, I'd probably just need a belt but the legs/thighs/ass would fit fine.

  5. bose if for noobs

    Hey its not my sound system, all I know is the base and everything sounded incredible.

    I'm tempted to neg rep you for considering McDonald's breakfast a high and the fact that you bagged an older broad a low.


    Bagging an older girl was the main hi of the night...

    When she found out i was 8 years younger it was a lo...it was a bit awkward haha...luckily it was way later in the night.

    I didnt mind at all though...she was smokin.

  6. well today just started basically but yesterday:

    hi: watching star wars episode 2 on a 100" projector screen with bose surround sound at my friends house...it truely matches a movie theatre experience, if not tops it.

    hi: picking up a girl outside a bar

    lo: later finding out shes 8 years older than me

    lo: 2 hours of sleep

    hi: mcdonalds breakfast

  7. Theres no point in making a list of things i want but cant afford right now.

    I just cant wait until im done school and have a real job....

    Inheriting a bajillion dollars from a distant reletive would also suffice.

  8. waywt3213.jpg

    This is really a change from my normal day-to-day wear.

    I realized I could attempt goth-ninja (not really though...) with things I already have in my wardrobe.

    I know im missing something like another layer of drapiness between the t shirt and cardigan.

    The shoes arent the best either...and they look huge in that angle hah..

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