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Posts posted by theLorax

  1. I am looking forward to fucking one of my ex in hk when i go there in two months; she has a bf and apparently she's not very satisfied with the sex.

    nah she just wants to give you genital warts as a thank you gift for fucking up the relationship you guys had.

  2. When I do searches and I read threads from a couple years back, there's this innocence and cool that are not as common in recent threads.

    This place is a blend of extensive denim knowledge, gaudy self portraits, funny pics, elitism, and shit talking. Though I wouldnt miss the elitism if that were to disappear.

  3. With the denim bar sale and the selvage models going for $55 i'm thinking about picking one up. I'm leaning towards the inside selvage, instead of the outside. Does anyone own the cheap monday inside selvage? How's the sizing?

  4. im lookin for a book that will quickly teach me the basic knowledge i need to comb through all the pawn shops and find all the levis and lees that i can turn for a hefty profit.

  5. The "I must be emo" song starts playing in my head.

    Ive actually been seriously considering remaking that song, into like a real song, with intricate guitar/drums/and bass, and harmonic vocals. not how it is now with a stupid casio drumbeat and vocals that sound like talking.

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