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Posts posted by Huerequeque

  1. I'm doing this same thing. I didn't feel like dropping tens of thousands on gen ed credits so i'm paying for it out of my pocket in CC (fafsa took my money away, pretty much for no reason). it's the smart way to go and most grades will transfer over unless the program at a 4 year that you're trying to get into has more intense requirements for certain classes. in that case, they're snobs and take it over, it will probably just as easy/hard as CC.

  2. Hey, I was thinking about getting a pair of Julian Red Detroits and I was wondering if anybody else had a pair and what they thought. I wanted a fit that was loose at the top and tapered at the bottom. I'm probably going to taper them even more when I get them and Gooseleg them. Anyway, tell me what you think and yadda yadda. Thanks! :)

  3. 02-16-2008, 10:10 PM isoform vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);


    join date: Feb 2007

    posts: 564

    ha....took it personally, eh?

    I just want to make sure you know how stupid you rep comment looked:

    "1) you take things too seriously. 2) Which proves that you're an insecure albophobic racist 3) You lack basic Grammer skills 4) Which proves that you're a STUPID racist."

    1. I take idiotic non-joke race comments semi-seriously and am bored enough and endulgent enough to mentally masturbate myself w/ a response.

    points 2 and 3 suck gramatically and are awkwardly written. i suppose this just proves that just 'cause you know of the words doesn't mean you understand them.

    4. You obviously don't know what Racism or Racist means. Take a black studies class...being half not-white isn't good enough. lol.

    oh, and a neg-back is some obvious insecure behavior. ...is that another word you know how to spell but don't know the meaning of...?haha.

    1) A black studies course sounds like a really non-slanted sociology class!

    2) So, if neg repping back = insecurity. Does neg repping first = security? How about sending a pm?

    reputation_neg.gifwhite people 02-16-2008 08:33 PM isoform 1. what does half white have to do with anything? 2. i don't hate white ppl how you assumed such by my post is funny.

    I said I was half and half in jest, even though... I AM?

  4. Soooo, just my opinion...

    Can't be real. Anybody looking for legitimacy is going to try to make it obviously legitimate looking as a selling point. The guy didn't have his shirt on and he was gross. That's something nobody looking to prove their legitimacy would do. Also, the intro. Trying to look horrific instead of horrified. Somebody looking to prove legitimacy wouldn't go that road. This is somebody making a fake, and putting shock value over anything else. They probably think that by making it look home-made people will buy into it.

  5. 1) kittens are fucking innocent, people are not

    2) kittens are fucking cute, people are not

    3) fuck you. neg rep.


    Cats are a really bad example of an 'innocent' animal, as they're one of the few species along with humans that will kill for fun rather than necessity and abandon it's kill.

    Also the law in this country is completely retarded in that legally you can shoot a harmless puppy on your property but cats are allowed to roam free, shit on your gravel and maim/kill the local birds/squirrels/frogs etc.

    Cat owners are going to a special hell usually reserved for evil genocidal dictators.

    But does a cat kill so that he can blow his load?

  6. i always enjoying watching how incensed people get over the cats being crushed by high heels, but wouldn't blink twice at pictures of a murder scene

    Oh man, those animal lover types who live for human on human violence. They're everywhere!

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