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Posts posted by Huerequeque

  1. Hey all. I've been looking for a hoodie I can wear that has no zippers and has a kind of shawlish type collar/hood. Something along these lines:

    Julian Red Munki Hoodie:




    Any suggestions? (If somebody can sell me a Munki hoodie for under 200, i would give them my first born son.)

  2. Q4366.jpg

    this makes me so fucking ill. i've seen homeless people with more character and unintentionally better clothes then this. this shit is even at the level to which ichigo and famous could hate on it and not get hated on for doing so. i wouldn't even wipe my ass with this. fuck this shit x1000.

    :- | .....

  3. n-3b

    spiewak makes a really nice one, and last time i checked, it was under 200.


    I've had many a heavy coat, and lemmy tell ya... Spiewak. They're great quality, stylish, and soooo warm... Very much worth your $$$.

  4. still and soepom, absolutely amazing from both of you!!


    Absolutely ordinary today. I apologize for the really stupid shoe section, I forgot to wear my shoes when I took the picture...


    edit: Wait, you can't even see my feet in the picture. WHAT WAS I THINKING?


  5. What type of razor do you use? i assume comb ones ya?

    yeah. it's a straight razor with a removable guard that works as a comb. first i thin out the bottom of the sides and back to taper it off. then i cut and add texture to the top and sides.

  6. i use my straigh razor and cut a little bit at a time in small chunks, but not too small. if you cut too much at once it looks too choppy and blunt. if you cut to little at once you can't see any texture.

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