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mr genki

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Posts posted by mr genki

  1. i actually meant the one by Kimberly Elam (she was a university teacher of a university i cant remember) but that one by muller-brockmann is also amazing.

    look at that perid of swiss design and you'll see where everything today gets its inspiration from (including a certain £400,000 logo from wolf olins... hahahaha)

  2. 1955 501XX timeless. by far the best pair of jeans ive ever owned

    1947 501XX details are the killer with this one

    SDA-103 the first thing that struck me was the smell. if you could bottle it, i'd be rich. a great cut, and nice details

    1967 505XX these have probably worn in the best. i like the lightweight quality of them. amazing in the summer.

    silas classic probably controversial but they remind me of a time long ago! sometimes come out on a sunday, or after a surf in the winter.

  3. waiting for gordon... hes in talks with some companies now, and looking for new models for our traveling jeans too.

    a BiG SDA would probably be like a birthday and christmas rolled into one. if they throw in a scalectrix and a new surfboard i might as well end it all

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