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Posts posted by surfed57

  1. I'm not twisting your words. you talk about the people who were in a position of influence who tilted the system towards their side. These are the people who ran the country in the past and made policies that allowed for the system to turn out the way it did.

    These people were voted in.

    Even if you disagree with the system, the only way to actually change it is to act within it, or rebel violently against it. No one gives a fuck about your blog, no one gives a fuck about your apathy. Vote, or shut the fuck up.

    What I'm trying to say is these people were not voted into office. There was a time period maybe in the 1910s and 20s when the electoral system had a shot at representing peoples' interests. Maybe people like Eugene Debs or William Jennings Bryan could have, upon being voted into office, had a chance at changing things. Those days are long over. Your vote is not a voice. You have long been silenced. You're probably correct that the only way to change the system is to act outside of it, which is a right I reserve for myself (though that doesn't necessarily constitute violence).

    Oh, and for the record I don't a) have a blog or B) read Noam Chomsky. Like Christopher Hitchens said, I'm happy when you resort to the Ad Hominem because it's usually a sign of victory.

    In a serious discussion about politics and voting, it's disappointing to see so much naivete, lack of knowledge in the fundamental texts on the matter, or laziness (I suspect it's the latter.) You can keep attacking me forever, I've stated my views, so go ahead, take the last word on this one, it seems like you'll probably want it.

  2. note - this is definitely meant to be an attack, on a stupid, stupid idiot.

    did you ever stop to consider the fact that the reasons things are they way they are is due to people that were voted in before you had a choice? that if more people had exercised their right to vote, you might be living in a very different nation than the one you currently are?

    resigning to "that's the way things are" and being bummed is just another vote for a system that is never going to change, because they're fine with the way things are. hang on to some hope that in the future, your vote will have counted, even if you don't see it in your lifetime. you sound like a petulant, ignorant shithead.

    I hate to put my two cents in again because by this point, I know you'll be tempted not to listen. You're twisting my words which, when you're trying to have a decent discussion is really obnoxious.

    The reason that things are the way they are isn't because of "who voted for who." I think an honest examination lends itself better to the view that it is because people of influence in this country have tilted the system towards their side.

    Now here's the important part, so listen carefully. I'm not resigning to "the way things are." It's just that the electoral system is an integral part of "the way things are," and thus, I refuse to participate in it. If, as you claim, you do refuse to resign to the way things are, I think it would be in much more honest and true adherence to that claim to seek change outside the electoral system.

    Choosing not to vote does not amount to apathy. The way I see it, choosing to vote is bowing down to part of the system that (I think honestly) you claim to rebuke.

  3. a guy citing george carlin as a learned source of knowledge should be careful hurling accusations of vacuous spastic bullshit. Go ahead and ignore the simple and inarguable point that there would be thousands of americans who didn't die in iraq if gore was the president for the last eight years instead of bush...explain to me how the "being at the behest of corporations" similarity is more important than this clear difference.

    I really don't know if you want to run with the Gore/Bush argument, seeing as, you know, Gore actually won that election. Every vote counts.

  4. Honestly and sincerely, could you explain to me what part of the situation I'm not looking at realistically. I think a careful, rational examination leads to the conclusion that the voter has little influence in how things are run in this country. I admit it is possible for one person to make a difference, but it certainly wouldn't be through the ballot. And I don't understand you're analogy with the brick wall—get inside where? What supports?

    I'll refer you to this article about George Carlin's political views http://www.thenation.com/blogs/thebeat/331953 which I share on almost all levels.

    I'm not just saying any of this to be rebellious or apathetic in some sort of cool way—it's something I've struggled with for a long time and I'm interested to hear other peoples' views (as long as it's not some vacuous spastic bullshit, tmadd.)

    The way I see it, all the important issues in this country, be it healthcare, education, distribution of wealth, etc. are in the hands of powers which exist far outside the voter's reach. What are you going to do once you elect everyone you've wanted? Send them letters? I just can't believe you honestly expect any of your interests to be represented in this system.

    I agree that we have the collective power to make a change, that if the oppressed really banded together and asserted their interests, this country would be an infinitely better place. But the electoral system will never be the avenue for that change, and I'm not going to be had by the illusion that it is.

  5. I, for one, am sick of this mindless bullshit about voting.

    Just for the sake of argument, let's say that the electoral college doesn't disenfranchise you, that your electronic ballot is cast successfully, that your vote is counted, and you, individually have helped elect Barack Obama. It still doesn't fucking matter.

    Your life will not change based on which candidate is elected into office. If the entire fucking congress and senate and executive branch and supreme court, for the sake of argument, was voted into office by an effective and fair voting system, that wouldn't matter either.

    You're not being governed by these people who you elect. You're being governed by corporations and the power system in this country which has gone back decades if not centuries. This country has been bought out a long time ago, and the shit they bring in and out every four years is meaningless.

    I quote George Carlin: "The real owners are the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians, they're an irrelevancy. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so that they control just about all of the news and information you hear. They've got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying – lobbying to get what they want."

    Voting is nothing more than the illusion that you have a choice. You get to choose between the puppet on the left and the puppet on the right. Have fun. Voters have no real influence in this country, and as far as I'm concerned you're all buying into the lie that they do. If it makes you feel better to vote, go ahead. I'm staying the fuck home.

  6. Matthew Barney's videos loaded with symbolism and an underlying meaning, but part of the point of it, at least as far as I know, is that you don't necessarily have to get/understand the symbolism for it to be a valid artistic experience. The imagery is enough on its own.

  7. Once I sold a fake kilo of coke (baking soda, raid, and that shit that numbs a canker sore) to some poseur black dude for twenty thousand dollars.

    Had my wrestler friend do the trade off in the back of a walgreens. Turns out the black dude gave us a plastic bag with like four fifties on top and underneath was all singles.

    True story.

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