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Posts posted by DrMoBueno

  1. Isn't this the sport that was supposed to supplant boxing? Because boxing was fixed and treated the boxers poorly and finished with bullshit decisions?

    Kimbo Slice is 34 years old. At least that's the age he cops to. (Where have I heard that shit before?)

    Maybe, after he gets his ass kicked by someone who knows what he's doing and doesn't have an explosive bullseye on the side of his head, he can come back as a promoter...

  2. Masataka is the absolute best. Very professional. I received numerous, highly detailed updates throughout the entire process, culminating in a ridiculously fast turnaround time. At a very reasonable price!

    Finally, z-t granted me a great favor, which I won't go into detail on here, so I will only say he went well beyond accepted professional service.

    Thank you so much for making Japan feel next door.

  3. Why such a low BIN price? I am definitely interested but it seems weird that a $500 jacket has a $300 BIN. Where did you purchase it from?

    Zipangu Treasures just sent the tracking number on the size 36 replacement I ordered.

    I guess the BIN is low, I just want to part with it sooner rather than later. The jacket is authentic.

    I bought the jacket off ebay, a japanese store. Recently changed their name to eddie-from-japan or something like that.


  4. Sounds like you need to size up. I *think* you could stretch out the waistband using plenty of cold water and wearing 'em in pain over a couple of weeks, but that just doesn't sound worth it.

    If you managed to pull it off, they would be tiiiiiiiight.

  5. They have been soaked already, I bought them off someone else so trading in isn't really an option... I've got a pair of the SC Star Union jeans in a 28 that are a bit too big so I kind of threw caution (and common sense) to the wind with these!

    If I ever manage to get the third button done up I'll post fit pics...

    It took me 20 minutes to punch the top button through after soaking. My thumb had that imprint on it the rest of the day. Worn for 30 minutes, unitl the left hip pain became too great.

    8 hours the following day, this time it was my right hip that ached. On the third day, no problems at all.

    In 20-25 days, they stretched to a comfortable snug fit in the waist. The thigh remained very tight, about a half inch pinch room.

    And second the fit pics, after four months of watching my arse fade, I'd like to see how these look on a female bum.

  6. This is probably a good suggestion too.

    2 More stupid threads deleted from noobs in Superfashion....Noobs are the plague that is killing superfuture.

    It looks to me like the root problem is corralling and controlling the wild noob population.

    A noob shouldn't start threads. To start a thread, one should have (maybe) 2 greens or 50 posts. (10 greens if its a girl.) By 50 post the mods ought to know whether or not we have a new cancer...

    And, yeah, that means I can't start a thread, but I'm cool with that.

    For the record, I voted Republican, lock down that border whatever the cost. Now, I'm not so sure...

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