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Posts posted by yea!

  1. making pages instead of posts.

    so each div is a wp page that links to more pages? sounds like an easier backend for the client, not having to find posts and edit.

    @yea! you can also use the_excerpt instead of the_content for shorter blurbs that would lead into actual pages or posts.

    ahh that's tight. gonna experiment in the next few weeks.

    much thanks for all the help / sorry for clogging the thread.

  2. <div id="wrapper">

    <div id="post">

    <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>

    <?php the_content(); ?>



    think this works

    each section would just be a post. the "read more" feature would be used to differentiate between what's shown on the front page and whats in the real post.

    ahhh okay. i can style and structure the page w/css, just wasn't sure how it actually linked to the cms/wp setup. making each a post would definitely work... client could upload, swap, resize images easily, and have a text overflow to let him know when he's written too much :)

    is that the usual way with wp as a cms? sounds good to me, thanks mang

  3. anything specific you're trying to do?

    in your index.php just

    <div id="whatever">

    <?php the_content(); ?>


    one thing that does annoy me a bit is that the images and text are not separated at all. They're both in the_content. There might be a way to do that, but i don't know it. So to get my site the way it is I put a div within my posts. It's grimy but it works fine.

    the title and category, date, comments can all be separated out into their own divs if you wanted.

    If you did want to do the grid thing you just give the div a width that allows for however many posts within your container div

    i gotcha. i guess i just can't wrap my head around how to have different divs each with their own separate backend entry area.

    for instance, i'm working on a site for a BMW dealer. 4 divs.. featured car, facts, cars, parts... each div would have content that the client would be changing pretty often. how's that hook up?

    rough, but the general idea


  4. damn mags, killin' it. that looks hand made.

    DUM, you think you could school me on how to setup something simple with wordpress? basically a few divs that get updated frequently, one "post" per div. i caught the G + J after looking up your scripts too haha, really dope.

  5. thanks man. it depends on where you want to focus i'd say.. it's fun to dabble with java and php but i wouldn't want to learn it from the start. more of a need to know basis with it for clients and random curiosity.

    interactive is where i'm looking to go after school, so getting bomb at design is #1, but also learning a decent amount of code so as to know what's possible is important too i think.

    flash mainly, or processing.. html5 looks promising too. if you're good with css then learning as3 would be relatively easy to pick up.


    learning how to make a custom cms, or use wordpress as one. that'll give you a real nice bang for your buck w/client sites.. wish i knew how to do it.

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