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Posts posted by shoejuice

  1. My parents have forced me to go to Korea but are there any shops around here that sell Selvage Denim especially A.P.C and Eternal? In general I just want to know some shops around here that sell non fobby stuff.

  2. Right now im in korea and its a fucking hell hole in terms of heat and humidity. Unluckily, at this time I'm just starting to break in my Black Dukes and because its black it doesnt help at all. And since half my clothing is back in New York,

    all i have to wear are my dukes, some dunks, 2 uniqlo shirts, and tons of white shirts. I think ill have to resort to buying some of the fobby crap they have over here.

  3. I finally got my dukes after 12 days of UPS Ground from San Francisco to New York City. It was supposed to come on Tuesday but i guess they dont like me and the box got damaged for another one day delay. I am really impressed by these jeans the only downfall is the crotch ripples but I guess they'll go away after a while.

  4. before this my most expensive peice of clothing were my dunks. bout 150. I didnt have anything more expensive cause I was saving up for this. Damn my dad's not here so I couldn't use his credit card last night. I have to wait till he comes back tonight so I can exchange my 288 dollars for his credit card. Argh nervousness is coming back again.

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