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Posts posted by shoejuice

  1. Seriously there is no more to be said. I can't go around New York without people boasting about their kicks and being all cocky. Sure it looks good on some people but that flamboyant hypebeast look has such a bad rap by now that its just annoying.

  2. Im planning to go to Tokyo in the summer and I need a cheap hotel cause I want to buy as much shit as possible. I dont think customs will let me stay at a capsule considering I'm a minor. Anyone know some hotels that are clean and cheap? If not I might have to resort to using my friends address and then stay at a capsule anyway.

  3. I am selling a pair of Authentic Ray Ban Predators 2 Which retail for 150 dollars. I never wore them I got them as a birthday present last week and its not my style. The lenses are still quality though. There was a milk blotch like scatch on the right corner of the right lens about a cm tall and unnoticable while wearing and while put up on the table. I'll go for around 80 dollars

  4. I heard that in Korea the clubs all use a booking system where the ladies and guys are too afraid to ask each other out or even look at each other and talk that the waiters come around and introduce people to each other that look right. I dont think I'd trust a waiter with that kinda stuff. But then again I think it'd kinda be cool to be a waiter at a club like this. Opinions?

  5. I hear apple sake is all the rage now in apkudong. Ice berry, red mango are great for socializing. You'll see food about everywhere. But wha I like the best is just going to the little food stands and getting the chicken kebabs with pepper paste

  6. I dont know anything about levis as they are gone to me now. But what I do know is that if you live in New York try the Apc store in soho cause the people there are really nice even though I ran out of the store like a mad man without saying anything to find my friend who was out side so I could borrow a dollar. And they helped me out a lot on the fit and stuff. If I wasnt distracted by the Dukes the Apcs woulda been my first raw.

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