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Posts posted by ihurduliekme

  1. many of the old hardcore guys have been selling their corollas for the past years, its kinda depressing..sucks where the scene has been going, but as long as you stick it through and love the car for what it is....

  2. i agree on jdm whoring being gay, but wtf on calling zenki and kouki being lame.

    on a side note:

    saying hachi-roku makes people sound like a weeee-abo fag, and is NOT a reference to the year. i hate it when people are like wow thats not even a hachi-roku, its not 1986.... :|

    god superfuture is what is fucking me up from saving up money for a kaaz lsd. fuck you sufu fuck you.

  3. yeh i know.. but im a relatively compitent driver. i drive RWD now (bmw 120) but wanted a car to mess about in (dont want to scuff the bima)

    the hachirokz will never be to race or anything, just a fun car that i can piss around in and not care too much if i scrape the alloys...

    its either that or a british mini..

    and the hachi roku has the bonus of being able to say tomasu tofu shopuuuuuuuuuuu on the side. no car could ever beat that.

    people will laugh at your tofu shop sticker and piss on it. dont get the sticker. please.

  4. yeah, here in the us its toyota corolla gts... levin is the one with the fixed headlights.

    i wouldnt go with an ebay car....depedning on the condition that could be a good price, but honestly i wouldnt pay that high of a price, cause for that you should be getting a pretty well built one, defeating the purpose of owning the car in the first place. its a real good car to build up yourself as a project. teaches you so much about the car itself. also you gotta think about do you really like this car? or is it just cause of initial d, because you need to know initial d is a fiction, almost none of those things can be achieved by a normal person with out humoungous practice. alot of newcomers buy the corolla thinking its a great car which is totally not the case. its a slow piece of shit that breaks down on you all the time and its slow slow slow. but if you really love the car like how many others do then youll keep it... i suggest you go to this site and do a bit of reasearch first:

    club4ag.com, the forums seciton has a humoungous amount of info

  5. i am going to.. just want a die cast in the interim... it'll take a while to source a good ae86 in the uk. might have to pick one up when im in japan or something. :S

    you really got one? liez.

    no i really do. 1989 kouki coupe gts, recently painted white. not panda, just white. jdm conversion, zenki lip, stock engine, ssr reverse mesh rims. theres plenty of ae86s in the uk. dont go to japan for one, theres no need. plus in the us theres no levin model, there in the uk you got the levin and its easier to find.

  6. westside - goofy ass black/indian kid that is hilarious if you get to know him. otherwise hes just an awkward fag. bad coordination.


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