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Posts posted by seemeugly

  1. I don't mind paying for ingredients or cooking, but I hate cleaning up, so that's usually the trade I make.

    And yeah, why are so many more guys better cooks these days? I know like two or three girls that are competent in the kitchen.

  2. I hate that I realized I spent $100+ over the course of 4 months for my girlfriend
    I spend more than that on homeless people every month.

    Sort it out.

    I just got schooled.

  3. I see a lot of girls cut their jeans off way short and then wear leggings underneath, and I think it works pretty well. But if you're looking to cut off some serious denim, I guess cutting it a little longer would be more appropriate. It would suck to see $200 worth of chopped off jeans legs on the floor.

  4. I hate that I realized I spent $100+ over the course of 4 months for my girlfriend

    Dude, that's seriously nothing. I've spent more on that on drinks for friends that I'm not even fucking over the past six weeks.

  5. Have you analyzed your competition in your chosen niche, found out what advertisng rates of comparable publications are, modeled your revenue and expenses, contacted printers and print brokers for production quotes, and found designers, contributors and stylists? Have you produced samples, generated content, figured out your web presence or developed any merchandise? Have you developed or deployed any sort of publicity campaign?

    Because those things are all way more important than business cards when it comes to making yourself professional.

  6. He said he's had it done at a shop a couple times, and it still keeps happening, so I'd think snakebite or any problems at the valve stem would be unlikely. If the leak is always at the same spot it has to be either something stuck in the tire, or, like canice suggests, a lack of rim tape.

    If it's always happening at different places, maybe you should get some kevlar tires or some shit!

  7. Have you checked the interior of the tire to see if there is any residual objec that is re-piercing your tube? Or have you checked to see where the leak occurs on the tube and checked the wheel and shit around the spot?

  8. Permanant Change of Station. After the fourth time my family moved, I didn't even care about leaving everything. I was just interested in where we were going next.

    Now I am stuck with an unquenchable thirst for novelty.

  9. red u will give a fuck because one of these days u will do something that will refresh ur memory of a great time u had with ur buddies and u will get emo..

    thats what happend to me anyways... i was in the philippines for a photo job.... and it was at a location similar to a place where me and buds went to a few years back... got pretty depressd :/

    Dude, I was immune to this shit after PCS #4 or so.

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