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Posts posted by jeepster

  1. Raj, while I see it from that perspective in my fit of neuroses as well, I would say she's not not interested. I should've said coffee instead of dinner but I asked when we were both less than sober and it sorta just blurted out. Who knows, I'll see what the rumor mill digs up.

  2. fudge... I think I was over-eager in asking this girl on a dinner date rather than for coffee first, or something like that. We've hung out a bunch, but never really properly 1 on 1 in a setting where it could be conducive to something being generated between us, and I think I got overzealous in my inebriation when I asked her to dinner. Now I'm stuck with the issue that she's barely available because of her workload as she's an art student and they have crazy many assignments. What's more, I asked her earlier tonight if she wanted to come to a concert with me this week because I had an extra ticket. Her response was she was unsure, but I reminded her that dinner was still on for whenever she was available and her response was "Maybe so"... now, I may be reading too much into this, and she's a really monosyllabic girl when it comes to responses, but did I screw the pooch here? I don't oft come in here seeking advice, but I really do like this girl, but did I skip steps 1, 2, 3 and went straight for the kill?

    this is driving me fucking nuts at the moment.

  3. gahhhhh

    hate that our respective school schedules is messing with this date... can't seem to get down a time when we can both go out until later this week... and I asked on Saturday night... fuck.

  4. I should really be doing my reading

    but I'm just gonna get up tomorrow and do it I guess.


    so whatever

    want to just hang with this girl, can't cause all her friends from home are visiting


    really bored

    really uninspired.


    fuck hangover weekends.

  5. the fuck is that.

    and I wanna kill my roommate. Now would be the best time. He just passed out all "oh I'm sick" n shit. No one would ever know. I could just say he died from swine-flu

    what a fucking pussy ass bitch. Didn't even leave the room today. Such a punk.

  6. I think THIS is a good spot for your date jeep... good food and decent prices... kinda a staple of les.

    Mogador was a consideration, but I'm now thinking Yaffa Cafe, both for the atmosphere and the price. I'm not looking to impress her via dropping mad flifth, but rather, impress her by being an a place conducive to being charming and cool.

    and I feel you on many of those points, trev

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