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Posts posted by jeepster

  1. I am on the cusp of a relationship and all I can think about is sleeping with other women. I think about that when not being on the cusp of a relationship, but I find myself even more middle-of-the-road about this than I usually am.

  2. how can you hate cold pizza

    best hangover breakfast food

    and top 10 best breakfast foods on the whole

    I was watching something recently where they talked about cold pizza for breakfast. that's whatsup

  3. my roommate can't exist without moving. I know he has a twitch and all, but seriously, he's reading a book and bed and it sounds like he's wrestling with an alligator.

    I want to kill him with a brick.

  4. can someone assist me and post the streetstyle pics of A) cute blonde chick in green anorak w/ black jeans and doc martens and B) mod inspired dude in black jawns rolled up with mil. surplus boots

    +reps for any halp.

  5. liverpoooooooooooooool

    but lumping child abusers in with those who kill animals is effectively on the same level as reducto ad Hitlerum. I agree that it's inhumane, but then again, when were animals ever human? By the same token, I don't wear fur, don't want to wear fur, never will. Like polish said, you can't stop others, but you surely can stop yourself and furthermore, keep your opinion to yourself.

  6. yeah, well that's reality. it's some tough shit. I'm not saying there's a hierarchy of bad shit that happens, cause the world runs on bad shit. So the less you think about how a rabbit turns into a coat, the happier you might be. It's pointless to try and reason with you, and while I do agree that it is horrible what they do to animals, not only in garment production, there is no point dwelling on something that doesn't actually touch on your life. I'm sorry if I sound callow or harsh, but I don't ever think about the cow that is the hamburger that's sitting in front of me. I don't have moral qualms about wearing leather. I don't see a point in censoring one's ability to enjoy things in life with some grand notion that you're making everything alright by not wearing a fur-coat. If you were really such an activist you'd be out bombing fur factories and saving animals and shit, not complaining about it like the typical over-educated vegan protestor-type.

    So yes, it sucks that these animals die in such unfortunate and brutal ways, but it's become par the course of materialism which trumps most if not all things in the 21st century, even ideology and idealism.

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