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Posts posted by nyc_flash

  1. So this is a bit soap-opera dramatic, but I figured I would help.

    A lady very close to me just finished up a nasty split and is moving away from the country.

    She's selling off all her stuff and is moving with a bare minimum.

    She was crying something about "only 20 pairs of shoes left" last time I saw her.

    She asked me to post this on superfuture, and perhaps the items she has for sale will catch your interest.

    here's a link to her ebay auction and the description:

    I'm moving to another country and selling off my beloved possessions. A bitter divorce has me fighting to support my family, but my spirits are high. My loss is your gain.


    One day left

    I have new or as new clothing by famous designers on ebay, and can let you pick up in Manhattan.


    Please check my listing I have all authentic guaranteed items by famous designers in petite sizes:


    Miu Miu Sandals

    Marc Jacobs Shoes


    Westwood Boots

    Rick Owens Sweater

    Rick Owens Jacket

    Helmut Lang Top

    Helmut Lang Purse

    Gaultier Top

    Vivienne Westwood Purse

    Vivienne Westwood Skirt

    Comme Des Garcons Skirts

    Coach Authentic Green Purse

    And many more.




  2. Have no experience with MSA direct but know lots about modeling.

    Rule of thumb if you didn't sign anything and they're paying for things, why not?

    just don't sign anything without showing contract to a lawyer, a good cheap law mill will look over your contract for like $80.

    The general rule of thumb is DONT PAY FOR ANYTHING

    take it all and give nothing back

    too much bottomfeeding off the hopefuls

    If you have any questions PM me I know most of the agents in the city

    but as long as you dont give anybody money you are fine

  3. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dBD1LttEVk&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dBD1LttEVk&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

  4. Read up on the care, dem bitches be sensitive.

    Had 3 bonsai die on me, the 2 that survived are doing great.

    I ain't to mister Miyagi, but still I spray regularly, check humidity levels, fertilize...

    It's like kids except trees are more cheerful.

    Had a fly parasite infection around my trees this summer ended up spraying with garlic and lime juice... so it's an adventure.

    Def suggest reading up on the care.

    Too much water, she die.

    Not enough, she die.

    She die anyway, unless she live.

    you get the idea.

  5. benzslrpee, you're actually displaying cop mentality, sadly. You think you can talk about the law without actually knowing the law.

    And of course logic of argument is not on the agenda for you either. People are routinely frisked on the street without probable cause, so "dumb enough to pop in front of police" is not the case at all. See the point?

    I'm going to quote New York City law for the benefits of others, since you are beyond educational efforts.

    New York - Penal Law Section 265.01. A person is guilty of

    criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree when: []

    5. "Gravity knife" means any

    knife that has blade which is released from the handle or

    sheath thereof by the force of gravity of the application

    of centrifugal force which, when released, is locked in

    place by means of a button, spring, lever, or other


    Now apply that statement

    to any spring-assisted folder that you flip open with "centrifugal force" and

    you have a catch-them-all excuse for cops.

    To quote a recent incident I personally know and followed- a friend was pulled over for riding a

    bicycle through the projects across the street. The cops found a 3 inch folder (not assisted)

    on him. His ID was expired.

    He was detained for further questioning and also for "posession of a dangerous weapon".

    He got out 5 days later.

    Typical New York story for some of us.

    Multiple cases similar to the above have been brought up in courts, and anybody competent enough with

    a legal document search can find both dismissals and charges, depending on the defendant, judge, cops, etc.

    American Knife institute is properly outraged:


    And the same legal blanket is used by cops today

    So benzslrpee, just talk about the necessity of not bending down for soap at

    police academy showers or other areas you are directly experienced at.

    And to get this thread back on topic- here's a little something

    I have in my house upstate

    It's so ugly, it was love at first site


  6. Are you from New York? You sure don't know how this town works.

    A black male that lives in my building was stopped-and-frisked just yesterday.

    Yeah, I presume for being black. Without probable cause. Happens all the time here. Police practice.

    So thats as far as your "popping in front of the police" argument goes.

    Don't breed confusion making blanket statements about what you know nothing about.

    if it's a manual folder they can't charge you with a gravity knife. if you're using that knife for selfdefense and assuming you use it successfully i'm pretty sure the offender would be more interested in hauling ass to a hospital than trying to figure out how to sue you...assuming this is some random street mugging type deal.

    if you know the offender then you must be able to show that they had the intent to harm or kill. which more or less means you'll need to be battered and bruised before you'll have a chance to convince the jury that you were indeed fighting for your life with a blade.

    if you're dumb enough to pop a knife in front of the police...well, then you sure as hell deserve to get shot.

    and to kentthenoob, if you want an OTF knife PM me

  7. Camera casesand bags are a big subject.

    It depends on what kind of scenario you envision yourself using the camera in.

    I have a pelican waterproof case for travel, an over-the-shoulder bag with a flap for easy access for events/photojournalism or just walking around town, a back-pack with a rigid back and padding for bigger shoots...

    It's all convenience versus protection. My daily carry is a small point-and-shoot in a pouch in my over-the-shoulder-bag.

    If you think you will mostly carry your camera around on its own, there are literally dozens of different options.

    From classic like Billingham or National Geographic


    To something more sporty

    If you will put your camera in your bag, a smaller protective case that fits the camera snuggly might be a good idea.

    Neoprene sleeves are one of the many options.

    I often go to the bigger websites like adorama.com or b and h, shop around for the search "camera bag", then find a style/manufacturer I like.


  8. New York is a scared bitches town as far as self defence law is concerned, if you have a knife that flips open easily with one hand, the pigs charge you with posession of a gravity knife, which is illegal, even though it's completely different things.

    Basically you can't have anything on you at all and anything you use for self-defence will be called a weapon in court.

    what do you meant by "gravity knife" ?

    man, i want an otf knife, but those things are illegal in california, and i don't go out enough to know where in chinatown i can pick one up.

  9. Have you tried going with the original mil-spec suppliers? You can find a good fit if you go a size small.

    They are being ripped by everyone in the last 4 years, from RAF to ... so can't give any advice.

    I got a $20 generic mil-spec M65 2 sizes x-large cause i'm from brooklyn

  10. SOG Flash II

    A simple utility knife that snaps open easily and is very solid.

    I've punched through doors, windows, cut bone, and many other things.

    Had to tighten opening as to avoid "gravity knife" charge by the pork authority.

    Stock Image.

    Also always carry a $3 multitool fake gerber- I prefer my tools disposable.


  11. Just wanted to post these pants I did recently.

    Picked up a $3 pair of denim pants at the SalAm boutique, recut and restitched on my $80 target sewing machine.

    Terrible stitching, but it adds to the appeal, and several fash industry friends asked me if it was Dior or Raf pants.

    Now a friend is selling several of my pants along with my t-shirts in their boutique.

    I'm not plugging the store, the moral of the story is it's easy and fun to make/modify your own clothing.

    Oh yeah, and they ended up in a fashion editorial too... cant post full pics the photog didnt send them till mag is out.



  12. I started with spraying shirts, then dying them.

    then dyeing my summer pants.

    Then getting a denim vest and dyeing that.

    A friend saw my shirts on myspace and now lo and behold she sells them at her store.

    I don't care for "constructive" critizism that some people seem to love to dish out, so i'm not posting it, but at least the message is do whatever you want and if you put your heart into it it's worth it.

    I think I beat cheapmozafkrs record- I spent $20 on my whole summer wardrobe and it looks amazing- and that's not just my opinion.

    $1 t-shirts and some stencils go a long way.

    As far as "man purses" - I have a small over-the shoulder bag that some would consider very Mursy, yet I have so much manly shit in there it's really essential.

    Condoms, knife, cork screw, first aid kit, keys, mult-tool, some electronic tools, PDA (which is really 50 books in pocket), camera. stuff I need daily, really.

    Let others do what they like was always my motto... as long as they don't step on my tail.

  13. I"m not sure what's up with him, didn't like what he did in the last 2 years... But to contribute something productive, that gradient dye is the easiest thing to do- depending on the fabric, you either just dip your garment into a tub with fabric dye (all of $3 at any garment/craft store), or you dip into dye that is progressively dissolved with water as you go up- add more water- dunk deeper, add more water, dunk deeper... hang up to dry.

    I had one shirt that several people thought was good old Ann D.

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