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Posts posted by chuckster

  1. Yes it is.

    I disagree.

    Sorry you feel that way, but thank you for the compliment.

    I am not on BapeTalk nor do I wear any of Nigo's gear. I have however been collecting Sneakers among other things since I was about 12 and have quite a collection. The Tattoo is for me and a nod to something that has consumed such a big part of my life. As far as the line inconsistency goes, what can I say? It is a tattoo. And straight lines are the hardest thing to do. Other than the mesh in the middle (which a can be fixed) and the fifth lace from the top (where he started and can also be fixed), the inconsistency was on purpose.

    I was thinking something more like a Red Wing.

    Not sure yet. Possibly a Bare Foot.

    Thanks for the "compliment?"

    even if you regret that tat one day its quite easy to cover up.

  2. For the record, yes. I think you're fucking dumb.

    Violation: Internet Rules of Engagement - "I don't care" followed by 50 posts.

    Violation: Internet Tough Guy - Acting hard on the internet

    Violation: Irrelevant Argument - Bringing up Supleme+++, BAPE, Visvim, etc. for no reason and acting like it helps your case.

    You dumb.

    1. it was 50 posts and then "why do I care?" which is human nature..

    2. I am hard.

    3. I thought this is what you are all on about..

    4. do you really take any of this serious? if so..pathetic.

  3. it always puzzles me how different people are on the internet compared to when you meet them, there is no boundaries here but also no truth,everyone can be who they want to be and create a totally different reality. strange..how do you know if things are real or not? do you believe in the virtual reality? I dont..

  4. Well everything imaginable is a matter of taste and opinion..just think Vans and other trainers look nice when they are fresh and clean or maybe a little used but all work related footwear and most boots look so much better when battered. I prefer Clarks nice and clean as well but the soles get dirty in no time at all.

  5. lulz, what happened to not wanting to get involved?

    and I make no claims to being the best or even one of the better dressed people on sufu, I don't have the money to afford jawnz and grails

    fair enough. I used to be all over hype stuff and had like 200 pairs of trainers etc. bla bla but I like different fashion now..vintage and Mod stuff,Ivy League and things not "everybody" wears but maybe I am wrong here then even if I still love plain Japanese stuff..dunno.

  6. yeah, absolutely, nothing but supreme head to toe, him and i wear our obey hoodies and giggle on the corner of lafayette with our new vans we won't ever use.

    you n him gay or a couple or something? actually...not that I'd admit it..but what you said made me chuckle...Supreme is soo wank..but I have to admit that I had 1 tee and I used to wear stussy n shit. OH GAWD!

  7. what the fuck is going on? Is it like 2006 or something? Damn, I am confused. Just the same thanks for the flashback chuckster.

    Time travelling made possible. I am delighted to help. and CUNT...its just a word English people say at any occasion. southerners say CANT. ya facking CANT mate etc..

  8. lets fight in front of uniqlo!!!!!

    so you can steal from there while everyone is watching the fight? ok. I will strangle this hang the dj guy with a visvim belt..or shoelace..depending on what I can get first. bet he wears Supreme and likes graffitti...pfff..

  9. Oh man, you wore bape?!? Jealous!!! (do I even need numbers?)

    and by your own logic, you're an old ass lady (term used loosely) so what the fuck are you doing here? Svoodoo at least can take the heat like an adult...

    WTF does that have to do with anything? Beatle's German and you don't see her in super serious butthurt mode all the time

    ehhhm do you know me? how can you,from like one thing I have said, judge what I am like? Thats a bit odd. I know Rirawin on here from crooked tongues and some others,I think they would tell you different things. oh and I think there are a few older people than me on here who probably dress much better than you do. its funny how territorial some people get. meoooow.

  10. Oh man, you wore bape?!? Jealous!!! (do I even need numbers?)

    well like 5 years ago or something. not much tho,too blingy blingy..but I know a lot of people who lived for that shit..can I get a break now,its getting a bit weird..I was on this forum before many others of you but I didnt post very much cause hey,I got a life! And now I go out and get pissed. tschüss und leck mich am Arsch..also that with "gimme a break I am German" was a joke cause its a stereotype that Germans have no humour..d'oooh.

  11. Well you have proven that women as well can be born with a complete lack of a sense of humor, so in a way you have proven your point

    Its all about equality

    And on a completely unrelated note, I think I will make tacos for dinner, tacos rule

    lack of humour? I am German..gimme a break.

  12. oooh ouch, really though how did i say something to offend you? firstly, i did not make the original slightly-negative post and simply said you reminded me of another poster. also, i'm old enough to say CUNT.

    and limited editions? god i'm so jealous somebody, please hold me. give me a break. you don't see me here bragging about copping those super rare colabs! that's because i don't care.

    and second my mama doesn't buy me anything. she works hard enough feedin 3 kids on her own without my additional needs.[/quote

    it was mainly directed at the first CUNT. And I thought limited editions is all that counts on here..uuups.

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