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Posts posted by le_chic_garcon

  1. Some kid told everyone to come to his house for a sick party with tons of girls & free booze. No girls showed up and there were like 50 guys. The kids were playing soda beruit & fighting. It was the most retarded thing I've ever been too. I'm embarrased that I even went. I stayed for like 10 minutes & faked that I had a stomach problem.

  2. At Middlebury College they have some cool statues, if you like hiking there are Robert Frost dedicated trails, this giant as gorge by Killington, and tons of random hick places. I stopped at a placing driving to a ski place and they sold vhs brand new still. I bet you can find good vintage denim there.

  3. My thighs are sore... any tips on how to relieve this? Should I rub mayonnaise on them? Or maybe beet juice? Or do lots of forward lunges?

    Help me out superfuture.

    Don't do lots of lunges that will make your legs more tired. It will work for conditioning. Put some icy hot on your thigh but not on your groin. It stings your groin and causes agony.

  4. Yes! they are at barneys in New york, they rereleased them. I have seen them in the gold version on ebay about 3 weeks ago, my only beef with them is that its a bit too high, its even higher than the lanvin. The color is great if you want to make a statement and break necks, but confidence is required to wear those shoes, they are not for the faint at heart.

    Do you know how they cost?

  5. Has anyone seen the movie The Flying Scotman? Is it any good? I just cutout a article about it in the Boston Globe. It says it got 2 stars. "Scottish bicyclist Grame Obree's triumphs on the racing track and battles with depression in the mid-1990s. It's a good story that lacks an easy through-line, and in the director Douglass Mackinnon's hands the film never fully comes into focus. John Lee Miller is good as Obree, though, listening intently to something the rest of us never get to hear. A must for the cycling crowd.(R;runs december 20th)-TY Burr" It runs december 20th on comcast on demand if you have that. I will probably watch it if I can.

  6. yea fo rill. the only gay thing about this show is the name. its quite embarassing, but the chicks are so fuckable there nothing really to be ashamed of.

    At school every thursday, with my friends we talk about which ones we'd fuck during lunch.

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