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Posts posted by solidricin

  1. i dont understand how a business can survive todays global economy w/ shitty customer service. My experience with supreme thus far hasnt been pleasant.

    if they werent a hyped ass company with limited distribution im SURE they would've gone down by now.

    Taking two weeks to receive an order in this day and age is just ridiculous, unless they produce the items as they are purchased.

    im done ranting now. just send me my shit SAPLEME

    This post is dripping with irony.

  2. this will be a couple of days after christmas, so I guess there is a chance of some traffic?

    we wont be that far from LAX but it'll still of course take a while to return the car, get to the airport etc.. but then again it wont be as ass-numbing as driving for 6 hours. I guess flying would be a bit more pleasant and maybe save an hour or two.

    not being far from LAX means not being far from burbank which means a cheap 50$ southwest flight out of Burbank to SF............

  3. I got really drunk on Saturday and went to a corny bar full of those girls. I took some pills so I was proper fucked up and apparently I told some girl that she looks like a whore after I already bought her bunch of drinks. Somehow I ended up walking her back to her place where she left me standing outside the door and didn't even say bye. While I was figuring out how to call a cab the door opened and she ordered me into her apt. I was so wasted I didn't even want to fuck her and just passed out on the couch. Around 6am she finally couldn't handle it, woke me up and dragged me to her bedroom. Yada yada yada and 2 hours later I was back in my own bed completely satisfied.

    Totally ignore those chicks, buy them booze and never talk to them for more than 2 minutes. If they see you talking to other girls they will come to you. It works every time.

    pics or it didnt happen

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