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Posts posted by neverletdown

  1. i'm taking my black 19cm to get drycleaned today - i bought them from someone here and they smell terrible. they fit well though, so i dont want to wash them..

    are there any specific instructions i should give, other than "don't press them please"?

  2. boris is great live. sun0))) on the other hand isn't all that special. just dudes with long hair doing feedback in front of an amp. i should have gotten high before it.

    boris is good no matter what, they are one of my favorite live bands to see. imo, it depends on the venue with sunn. i saw them in this somewhat small place (the echo in LA, holds a couple hundred people), and it was really crazy. people were going insane, and it was just fucking intense and creepy. then a few months ago they came to phoenix and played at this venue that holds like 3000 people. it blew.

  3. nooooooooooooooo!

    i waited till i got back from south by southwest to see if i have enough money for some 6x6 size 31 one-wash..

    i have plenty of money but BiG sold out of 31 i guess. :( i sent shinichi a message, but do i have any other options? the ones at selfedge aren't 6x6.

  4. ^^^^

    awww overcast. i gots some stuff on a cd from edison....good heavy stuff.

    thought about going to southbysouthwest, but didnt feel like paying this year and probably couldnt take off enough days from work...was it good? crowded? i saw some of it on direct tv for free of all places.. no lifetime like last year though.

    yeah, it was pretty great. i saw a much more diverse selection of bands when i went two years ago, but i had a lot of fun with the younger dudes i went with this year. met lots of people, got to explore the city, it was great! paying for the wristband is a huge ripoff, i only had to pay for one show and it was just $10. there is so much free stuff happening, you really just have to spend money getting there.

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