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Posts posted by Flock

  1. ahahha T

    I did somthing at about 2am perth time.. i gave in and copped dick ovens moon boots from chant.

    My reasoning was that im on my feet all day so i need more shoes..

    Eh :\

    You won't regret it man, i have had my Rick moonboots all this week and i am in love, they are the greatest sneaker i have ever owned.

    They aren't as comfortable as some mega padded Reebok or somethng, but they are still comfortable and i am on my feet a lot of they day too.

    Which brings me to this question, i want to get a new pair of pants to wear with them. Ideally something with a bit of a drop crotch and made from a light material, either super baggy or slimishhhh.

    Either these:



    or these



    would of been good, but i don't like the string fly on the CONS and the RO ones are sold out on oki-ni where i could of got them cheap, and are too expensive on the only other place i can find that has them (komakino)

    So any reccomendations on where to to perhaps cop something good locally? we seem to have an abundance of drop crotch pants here, most i find are too much like a legging in the leg though...


  2. I'm on one week after today, i feel like yesterday was the worst and i'm over the hump now. So much more energy and focus, but this weekend i really hope i can get laid, most energy will be devoted to this, haha!

    Yesterday i walked in American Apparel and there were so many corny ass hot hipster girls working there i almost lost my mind, so i walked out and had a smoke.

    Oh yeah, i couldn't quit smoking as well, it was just fucking impossible.

  3. Day 3 - Haven't smoked or fapped, feel fine. Woke up not feeling tired and shitty for the first time in a while actually and i can remember my dream pretty vividly which doesn't happen often.

    Last night i was dying for a smoke but then as i got up to walk out i stubbed my toe and it hurt fucking horribly and the craving past.

    I'm curious how i will feel in about a week, like is what i am doing even humanly possible and might i just die?

  4. I have just wiped out my account this week, going to have to start saving for japan aswell now - but my trip is 5 moths away as well.

    Just copped some RO sneaks, something i have been wanting for a longggggggg time, i finally just said fuck it. Can't wait to get them!

  5. ^ Just try and find some cheap womens leather gloves, Will fit nice and tight and you should be able to get some plain ones at most major stores.


    Got these from some big store in NYC for like $10. Sorry i can't suggest anywhere local, but i'd imagine you could find something similar here.

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