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Posts posted by julianREE

  1. cinco de mayo is just an excuse for the white man to party, just like st pattys day. most people (including mexican) I know don't even know what the significance of it is.

    as for me, its more of Cinco de Moustache, i've been growing it for a month now and i'll shave it off later that day, after i get eggrolls from King Eggroll. Not really cinco de mayo status, but hell i don't care.

  2. how about supreme? last time i checked that was an overhyped brand.

    Stop defending yourself, you're just making yourself look worse and give other people more fuel to add to the fire. Man up, stop crying about how someone thinks you are a hypebeast, and post a fit that accomplishes your goal of "not looking like a hype-zombie". Once you do that, THEN people will stop attacking you.

    and personally i thought it wasn't that bad.

  3. hey ordo have you read this article? pretty cool.

    Secret tabled at Turco dinner

    Greg Douglas, Vancouver Sun

    Published: Saturday, April 28, 2007

    SCENE & HEARD: It will be awhile before Dallas Stars goaltender Marty Turco has dinner again at Umberto Menghi's signature eatery, Il Giardino on Hornby Street. Not that Turco has anything against the food or service at the charming Tuscan-style villa. He loves the place. But as Turco's superstitions go, forget it.

    Turco picked up the tab for eight of his teammates last Sunday on the eve of Game 7 in the Canucks-Dallas playoff series. Funny thing is, Il Giardino isn't open Sundays. But Turco insisted. He had wined and dined the same eight teammates earlier in the week and when the Stars won Game 5 the next night at GM Place, Turco wasn't taking no for an answer prior to Game 7. The Dallas players would sit in the same seats, order the same meal and drink the same wine.

    After several desperate calls from Turco, the chef and two senior staff members agreed to open the restaurant for his private sitting. All in, it would cost Turco close to $10,000 to have the lights turned on, the grills fired up and the tab delivered for the nine hearty diners.

    Dallas, of course, lost 4-1 the next night and Turco to this day is unaware that there was a Canucks souvenir collectible coin -- Roberto Luongo edition -- securely taped to the bottom of his chair. Turco should have known. As the team's rallying cry goes: "We are all Canucks".

    i just read that. fucking hilarious, i hate turco so that's great.:)

  4. sharks beat detroit :). I didn't watch the whole game but watched the two goals scored like 30 seconds apart. i heard the sharks played the grinding game they were good at, so it's a good sign. if we keep that up, we'll hopefully win the series as quick as possible. shutout for nabby! even though i like toskala more...

  5. Does he talk about the time he used his stick like a baseball bat trying to whack Brasheer's head off? Or maybe the trial after? Or the suspension that effectively ended his career?

    unfortunately no. that was horrible though, damn mcsorely.

  6. yeah they run pretty small. i have both a large and medium from CdG homme plus and CdG respectively. The large is a great looser fitting shirt, that still fits. the medium is a great fitted shirt that conforms to my body.

    As a point of reference i'm about 6'1 and 165 lbs. if you're used to supreme shirts definitely go for a large.

  7. McSorely commentates for FSN bay area, so everytime the sharks play I get to hear his commentary about goons and all that crap he was doing when he played. it's pretty awesome to see that kind of perspective.

  8. Definitely. can't argue with that, but every team has canadian players on it, so it kind of balances out.

    who's your guy's favorite player? it can be recent or former players.

    i always liked mike ricci when i was a kid and owen nolan wasn't too shabby either. my favorite player currently has to be milan michalek though. that kid's gonna just get better and better.

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